Monday, September 29, 2008

September 29, 2008

Workout Group, 15 or so folks showed up.

Standard Warm up and Dynamic Mobility

12 circuits of various work, for examples:

5 yard suicides out to 20 yard line
pushups for x seconds
vertical jump and stick for x seconds
v-sits for x seconds

sprint 100 yards
rocket girls for x seconds
walking lunges for x seconds
spyderman pushups for x seconds

Set up in 4 quarters, about a minute of rest between quarters and 3 minutes at half time.

Basically, I got my butt kicked. Two back to back butt kick workouts does not a happy boy make.

Friday, September 26, 2008

September 26, 2008

Pre-Work 3 rounds of 10-15 reps of

Overhead Squat with empty O-bar


Push ups, 16, 17, 14, 14, max>19 This is the end of the 2nd week of the 100 push ups. Right now everything seems fine, but, I wonder if I'll have to repeat a week around 4 and 5, we'll see.

The Bear
Floor to Hang clean(full front squat), push press to back rack , back squat, to push press, to the floor, 7 reps (bar can’t rest on the ground between reps), 5 rounds (you can put the bar down between rounds)

Basically the Bear bit my butt. Flat out I couldn't do this. I started with too heavy a weight. Doing 7 reps is huge. I ended up doing 10 sets of 3, 10 pounds lighter than I started, just to try and save face.

Core 3 x 24
cable crunches
Cable Push Pull
supine hip marches
4 way neck machine

Thursday, September 25, 2008

September 25, 2008

Workout group, about a dozen folks showed.

Partner Medicine Ball Warmup

Stationary Mobility
Lunge with a quad stretch
Lunge with a double twist
3 point hip flexibility
Drop lunge to high kick

4, inchworms
6 pushups
8 lunges
Continuous movement 3 minutes

Weight Room, 3 rounds, 30 seconds of rest between exercises, low reps lots of rest, equals heavy weights
6 dumbbell bench press
6, on a side, split squat
6, pull ups
6, on a side, goblet grip dumbbell, sport squats

Calisthenics 2 rounds
8, Monkey squats/vertical jump and stick with medicine ball
16, Rocket girls with a medicine ball
16, V-ups
8, burpees

30 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest, 2 rounds
Ski squats
Split squat stance bouncing and punching, each side
Good Mornings/Good Nights w/medicine ball
Push ups

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Finally, a cool use for the "Physio" ball

I don't have a lot of time for these balls, but, I really like the non-linear motion, the fluidity, balance, and joint mobility these drills develop.

September 24, 2008

Warm-up 3 rounds of 10 reps of

Overhead Squat with empty O-bar


Push ups, 16, 13, 11, 11, max>15

Treadmill Intervals, 20 minutes
80 seconds 7mph, 80 seconds 3mph

Core 2 x 24

Cable Crunches
Cable Push Pull
Roman chair knee raises
4 way neck machine

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

September 23, 2008

Warm up, 3/10
Pull ups
bar dips

Reverse lunges
Quad stretch
Towel Hamstring Stretch

Push ups 12, 12, 9, 7, max>10
Pull ups 6, 6, 5, 4, 5

Back Squat bodyweight 42 reps
Deadlift bodyweight 42 reps

Core, 2/20
Run 400 yards
4 way neck machine
Cable crunch
push pulls
Roman Chair Leg raises


“Weakness is a Crime – Don’t be a Criminal.” -- Bernarr MacFadden

"Strong people are harder to kill than weak people, and more useful in general." -- Mark Rippetoe

"Sweat is the cologne of accomplishment." --Heywood Broun

Monday, September 22, 2008

Not sure this proves their point but it is interesting.

It would be more interesting if they had the same talkshow host and a bodybuilder who trains muscles in isolation and a MMA fighter who does compound exercises and ran the demonstration. I suspect that the results would be the same however. In which case this demonstration would be showing something else.

September 22, 2008

Workout Group 14 or so of us, did the first part on the turf since it is such a beautiful day, finished up in the weight room. A lot of folks comparing notes on the cold symptoms but still there for the workout.

Various skips w/arm swings
Forward shuffle
Backward shuffle
Puddle Hops
Hips in shuffle
Hips out shuffle
Backward Push

High Knee to lunge
Reverse overhead lunge
moving knee mahines
lunge and reach
Kick walk

did a short round to learn the sequence and to finish off the warm up:
Tabata Intervals, 3 rounds
Backward broad jump
1 leg squat forward and backward
Forward shuffle, backward push on whistle

Cone Slalom 50 yard course
Run and cut inside cones
Run and cut outside cones
Run and cut outside 2 forward 1 back

WEIGHT ROOM 3 rounds, 6 reps (12 if bilateral)
Single leg dead lift with a press (dumbbell)
Split squat bucket pull
Sumo shuffle with a tricep press
Knee machines dumbbell to the outside of foot

Friday, September 19, 2008

You gotta love California

September 19, 2008

3 rounds of 10-15 reps of:

Overhead Squat empty O-bar
Kipping Pull-up

Quads and Hams really tight so I did a bunch of stretching along with the warm up.


400 meter run
Pushups 15,13, 10, 10, max>15
Calves feeling tight so stretched them as well in between pushups. Technically on this 100 pushups program you are supposed to do the workouts 3x per week and recover those muscles in between... of course I've done pushups every day this week between the workout group and this program, DUH!

3 rounds -- 24-25 reps
400 meter run
Cable Crunches
Cable Push Pull
Hip march
4 way neck machine

Compass Lunges 3 rounds with reach and twist

Just, not feeling 100% haven't been sleeping well so I guess it is catching up with me. Note to self : it is ok to rest. Ate like a bear the last two evenings which probably doesn't help either.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Sport Specific Training


Compass Lunges

Left and Right lunge to 12
Left and Right crossover lunge to 10 and 2 (checkout this video and then adapt, left foot to 10, right foot to 2)
Left and right lateral lunge to 9 and 3
Left and right open lunge to 5 and 7, and, (the last two lunges this guy does is what I mean)
Left and right drop lunge to 6

One circuit gives you 10 reps. Try all these permutations, using barbells, dumbbells, medicine balls, weighted vest, sparring gear, (hell if you figure out how to do clubbells at the same time YouTube it for the rest of us) and reach and twist variations – whatever it takes to pound out the reps. Perhaps complicate the routine be doing something explosive in between circuits: Rocket Girls, or Speed Skaters, or Jump Tucks.

Another good protocol for Quads are Vern Gambettta's Spectrum Squats.

Isometric Hold 30 seconds theighs parallel to floor
6 weighted squats, sandbag, dumbbell, I like OHS w/naked O-bar -- 25-30% bodyweight
6 fast air squats
8 jumping squats

And I generally follow that with a set of Glute-Ham Raises. 3-5 rounds should put a pretty solid hurt on.

Crossing over between Shoulders and Obliques, and Quadriceps

Diagonal Plate Raises


Clubbells: mills, swipes, and casts



Bodyweight Hyperextensions, and High pulls (high pulls because they are explosive and yet simple, Hang Cleans, Clean and Jerk, are great but take a while to learn safely) Kipping pullups kinda tricky but well worth the time to learn


Sledgehammer, Cyclone Ball, Sprint Splits with Lateral Tornado Ball Chop, how to make your own cyclone ball


Monkey Climb, Rope waving

The point is to become an adaptable athlete not an adapted one so mix it up. Here I've targeted specific body parts -- but the examples train movements, compound momements, so don't get caught up in the bodyparts but rather how the sport specific training integrates with your fighting.

Sport Specific Training #2

Sword and Shield
2 Swords
Great Sword
Pole Arm

Tabata Intervals 20 seconds work, intense 100% effort, emphasize speed sometimes, and power others (only if your target is padded sufficiently) 10 seconds rest, 8 cycles and a round for each weapon form. This will take 16 minutes. Wear helmet, and arm and hand amour, at least, so that your range of motion is realistic. Where this is high intensity limit the frequency – at most twice a week to permit recovery. We are not worried about aerobic or anaerobic fatigue (at least after the first couple of times) but neuromuscular fatigue. The brain’s ability to fire the muscle is impaired by the exhaustion of the necessary chemicals (in over simplistic terms). We are also worried about neuromuscular adaptation – consciously start at different targets and throw different patterns, too, change the duration of the work and rest intervals perhaps even within a round. Do a second round with a whiffle bat(s) and pvc pipe Great/Pole to develop over speed (speed being the point) training.

Train like you play don’t play to train.

September 18, 2008

Workout group, 11 people showed up, alas, the usual leader didn't show up, so we made it up as we went along. Not bad, but not as good as some.

Various skips w/arm swings
Carioca, l, r
Forward shuffle, 2l, 2r
Backward shuffle, 2l, 2r
Puddle Hops
Hips in shuffle
Hips out shuffle
Backward Push

Tiger Pushups
Knee out walk
High knee walk to lunge to quad stretch
walking Reverse overhead lunge
Superman Walk
Lunge with a double twist
Kick walk

Rocket Girls, Tabata Intervals, 4x
Speed Skaters ,Tabata Intervals, 4x
1 leg broad jump and stick, 6 reps, 3 sets, emphasis on non-dominant leg

WORK 3 rounds
Push Press, 45# 20 reps
Sport Squats, weighted, 15 reps
Pushup rows, dumbbell, 10

Front plank relay
Contra lateral v-ups
Side plank relay
Contra lateral superman
Side plank relay

Push up circle, up to 4
Compass lunges, 3 rounds

Pekiti-Tirsia International is based on 3 principles:

  • 3 Ranges - You are taught Close Range first as this is the most dangerous and difficult to master; then Medium, and finally Long.
  • 3 Levels - Along with every attack you are taught several counters to that attack, as well as several recounters to each counter. You develop the ability to think at least 3 levels ahead in a fight.
  • 3 Opponents - You are taught to be prepared to fight at least 3 opponents; therefore, you don't spend too much time on any one opponent.

On one hand this mnemonic is deceptively simple and yet it creates architecture both for categorizing martial skills, and, one for teaching them. Systemizing knowledge is valuable for its preservation and transmission.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Macebell Training

Good enough for Ultimate Fighting

Clubbells and joint mobility

September 17, 2008

Warm up
3 rounds 10 reps

Overhead squats with empty O-bar
Kipping Pull ups


Push ups 10, 12, 8, 8, max (greater than 10)

Clean and Jerk 135# 30 reps
Dips 30 reps

A Couple of Favorite Monster Workouts

Pyramids of Giza -- I thought this one up

Pushup burpees w/pull up 15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1
Hyperextensions 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, 11,12,13, 14,15
Knees to Elbows 15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1

3 Bars of Death -- CrossFit

Bench press, bodyweight 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1
Deadlift, 1.5 bodyweight 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1
Clean, .75 bodyweight 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1

Proprioceptive Plyos

Lunge and Reach

Myth of the Aerobic Base

“It is not necessary to build an aerobic base, you need to build a work capacity base, not an aerobic base. Taking a group of sprinters and running then for 30 or 40 minutes continuously will have no positive effect on their development. In fact everything about that is negative: 1) The kids get turned off, they are in the sprints because they are faster and explosive – fast, explosive people do not tolerate running slow 2) Irrefutable empirical and scientific evidence tells us that continuous slow aerobic work significantly compromises explosiveness. Very simply said, you are what you train to be – if you train slow, you will be slow! To get fast you must train fast.”

Building an Aerobic Base

Optimum training for fast-twitch muscle --

Do a Sport specific warm-up

Practice mental preparation: maximum fast-twitch muscle recruitment results from specific mental preparation before and during competition.

Lifting weights equal to or greater than 75% 1RM

Performing physical activites flat-out: e.g., sprinting, swimming, rowing or cycling as fast as possible: The minimum speed needed to contribute towards absolute speed development is 75% of maximum.

Training muscles eccentrically

Plyometric training : Plyo-Pushups Clap-pushups – might start with just one clap... Depth Pushups another version of Depth Pushups Medicine Ball Pushups Medicine Ball Chest pass

Complex training: for example; 1 set of 10 squats at 75% 1RM , 2-minute recovery, then 10 jump tucks, repeated 3 times.

Over-speed training: includes, for example, downhill sprinting and using lighter equipment for hitting or throwing sports .

Good recovery: 24-48 hours of recovery should be taken between very intense training and speed work sessions. A further 24-36 hours recovery results in an opportunity for a peak performance.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Cyclone Ball -- Gotta get me some of that!

Primal Nature Workout -- "Zenkahuna"

September 16, 2008

Warm Up
Tiger Pushups
Reverse walking lunges hands overhead
High knee walk
Walking Lunge with quad stretch
Walking knee out
Lunge with a double twist
Superman walk
Kick walk

Pre-Work 3 rounds of 10-15 reps of
Overhead Squat with broomstick

My back is twinging today so, I'm taking it easy on pulling movements and since I'm messing with push ups in the work I'm taking it easy with pressing as well.

Pushups -- got all excited about this site: One Hundred Pushups, so I'm working through their schedule. The point, I think, is to give yourself time to build the stamina. So, while the first week seems easy it is an important foundation. Unless, you've got youth on you side.

One of the CrossFit work outs -- I'm middle aged so my memory for names is shot.
5 Rounds

15 OHS, 100#
.25 mile run

20 something minutes

Core 3x20
4 way neck machine
Cable crunches
supine hip march
cable push-pull

Core for me now extends from the base of the skull, to the bottom of the pelvis, and around the middle ... including the hip flexors -- some compound movements extend it through the hamstrings. I prioritize core as number 1, but not, ironically, necessarily the first thing I do in a work out.