Wednesday, January 7, 2009

January 7, 2009

AM Workout

15 minutes of Yoga

Noon Workout

Karate class was cancelled for the weather. So, today is a rest day I guess.

PM Workout

50 minutes of Yoga

Down Dog is a suck fest, but, the Triangle Poses and Warrior Poses are just plain a tough combination of balance and strength.


Anonymous said...

I liked the post aout "play-out". It's incredibly true that we turn being healthy into work.

I think that makes me a VERY fun person. Ha ha!

It's fun to read your blog. I have to have a separate window open to define a lot of your workout terms. Guess I'm not workout savvy that way.

Sisyphus said...

Hey kimcheegirl,

Thanks for the comment. And yes, you are a fun person.

Sorry for the jargon. Sometimes I'm writing for myself and so I use a shorthand. Other times, I am writing for an audience and so probably do a better job of explaining. One of the frustrations I've found in talking about exercise is that everybody has different names for the same thing -- so, you end up just doing the exercise and then saying "Oh, you mean a 'Squat Thrust'". Many of my links are to pages that name and show exercises.