Friday, February 13, 2009

February 13, 2009

Thought to myself, "Self, maybe you ought to stretch today rather than heaping more on top." So, that's what I did. A whole body stretch but a bunch of quad, hamstring and calf stretching to see if I can get the knees to lighten up a bit.

Did a Core Circuit 3x24

4 way neck machine
Standing Cable Crunches
Cable Push Pull

And for fun, 1x8 dumbbell snatches

Watched other folks hit it hard "J" was doing some cool stuff with a rdl, split snatch, lunge kinda circuit. I'm afraid a split snatch requires mental fexibility. "S" and "S" were doing pretty much the standard Mon. & Thurs. workout, either they didn't get enough yesterday or they are looking to the weekend. In any case it was kinda nice to be coasting a bit.

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