Friday, April 17, 2009

April 17, 2009

We don't need no stinking warm up. Warm ups are for people with too much time on their hands.

Incline Bench Press, 135# & chains x8, 145# & chains x8, 150# & chains x8
Dumbbell swing, 35# 3x8

Front squats, 185# chains x8, 185# & chains x6, 185# & chains x7
Gravitron Pull ups, 3x8

Dead lift, 205# & chains x8, 205# & chains x8, 205# & chains x8
Glute-ham raises, 3x8

Farmers Walk, length of a tennis court (roughly), 100#, 90#, 80#
4 Way neck Machine, 150#, 5 each direction
Cable Push Pull, 60#, 3x10
Farmers walk back to the rack

K. I'm done. Ready for the weekend. Ready for a cheat day on the "diet". Feeling the calorie deficit today.

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