Monday, September 20, 2010

September 20, 2010

Work out group, 15 or so, weighted vest.

Warm up and mobility, pretty much standard fair, but, somethings we haven't seen in awhile.

Jump Thursday, Monday

Jump squats for 20 seconds
2-5 push ups
3 way lunges, 40 seconds
run 20 yards, walk backwards to start
hold plank, we did 4 rounds so plank in each direction

Broad jumps for distance, jog to opposite goal line
jumping split squats, 40 seconds
supine bridge hold,
4 rounds

3 way superman, 20 seconds
3 way single leg squats, 20 seconds
10, 20, 30 suicide

3 way superman, 20 seconds
3 way single leg squats, 20 seconds
cowboy, ninja, bear suicide...
1 burpee on the goal line, bear crawl out, 5 yards, 2 burpees, run back, 1 burpee, and so on adding a burpee with each additional 5 yards, so 4 on the 15 yard line, for example.

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