Monday, November 8, 2010

Stay safe, stay friends and go like hell!

Another element, is team, or no team? The sport privileges coed teams, and I really admire that. The sport also honors “Master” teams and that intrigues me too. Both team and solo offer advantages and disadvantages that must be weighed, but, in the end practice like you play, make a commitment and stick with it. Training with a partner and then running an event solo, is, a real strain on ones mettle, for example, and that will impact ones physical performance.

8 Essential Elements of Human Synergy:

T -- Total commitment
E -- Empathy and awareness of teammates
A -- Adversity management
M -- Mutual respect
W -- "We" versus "I" thinking
O -- Ownership of the project
R -- Relinquishment of ego
K -- Kinetic leadership

  • Be the teammate you would want to race with.
  • Be cognizant of the fact that, due to the intensity of the emotions generated in this sport, the way that you treat people (especially during their lowest moments) will always be remembered.
  • In the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make (for you Beatles fans).
  • Try to "coach" versus criticize. Extending a hand always has more impact than pointing a finger.
  • Remember your priorities. Our team's priorities, in order, are to: stay safe, stay friends and go like hell.
  • Check your ego at the start line.

NYRAR -- Teamwork Page

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