Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Field-house, fugly barbell, weighted vest.  I felt great today.  By now you know the drill, some combination of movements, walk to the next line, do it again, ends up being five sets.  So, for example:

deadlift, bent-over-rows, high pulls, push press, 5 reps of each, walk to the next line and do another cycle, I like to mix it up just to keep the brain engaged, so sometimes I'll do descending reps, other times ascending, sometimes a single number.  The movements are just whatever I want.  Sometimes I emphasize a movement, pressing, or squatting, other times just whatever.

Today I did a couple of rounds on the tennis court and then ran a lap, ended up doing a mile, along with all the stuff.  Continuous movement for 45 minutes.  YAY BABY getting stronger.

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