Thursday, June 20, 2013


So my integrated workout routine is a 3 mile walk during lunch with workmates. We started running the last half mile this week which creates a nice finish. The sweating is bad, but a half hour in the icebox we call an office dries everything but the  boxers out and after changing back into the regular pants, shirt and shoes, I feel as good as new. Evenings and weekends have been high intensity gardening, i.e. building walls and fences, turning over a lot of earth, digging out endless rocks and planting vegetables, flowers and trees. I've been eating a predominantly fresh foods diet, and honestly have come to regard food as fuel more than the highlight of every day. The result is that I uniententionally lost about 10 lbs this spring and a stiff breeze can easily pants me. It is an interesting conundrum: I'm eating all I want, what I want and have plenty of energy but am down to the freshmen college bodyweight. It will probably solve itself as my activity level decreases in the fall but is concerning nonetheless. Best short term action seems to me to be adding some whole grain carbs to the menu. We'll see.

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