Thursday, November 7, 2013



I've been in the woods this week.  Still hunting is extremely demanding of hip flexors and of balance -- as I've lamented recently my hips are rubbish.  Too sitting in the cold tends to tighten muscles up.  So, yoga was a good answer today.

I'm not outlandishly out of condition but I'm in the wrong sort of condition for this activity.  That annoys me and it motivates me.  So, with the time not filled with Chickadees, Squirrels, or more infrequently Turkeys or Partridge, I've been thinking about how, what movements to work on, so that I'm not this pathetic again.

Step up and down and then for the hip flexors.  This next movement opens the hip flexors and strengthens single leg movement -- some sort of Split Squat.  These seem to be a starting place for thinking this through.

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