Monday, January 13, 2014


Forgot my wife's birthday for the 34th time in 34 years. Luckily establishing low expectations early in the relationship reduces the disappointment in later years. The flowers I bought her in the supermarket on the way home from work are better than some years...

Anyway, great yoga session at lunch. 2 guys plus the instructor. Extra hamstring work since that seems to be a guy flexibility problem. I think my down dogs are getting better because the pain and shaking are diminishing. I am doing worst on the balance moves. Good thing is that they are easily practiced and improvement is possible.

Read an article over the weekend that vigorous exercise slows physical decline by 50% or more between the ages of 30 and 70. After 70 it appears that inevitability trumps good habits. 5 years left. Sweet Jesus. Get ready for a fight, Age, I'm not going to make it easy for you.

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