Thursday, May 8, 2014


Yoga today. Good group. Our co-worker instructor continues to crank up the pace of her power yoga routine. I want to improve in two areas: flexibility in hamstrings, hips, glutes etc and balance. Progress today in the side angle pose that is a vertical posture evolved from the airplane pose. Very difficult for me. Requires leg strength and endurance and great balance. I got further today than ever, but lost it on both sides when trying to reach a bind. Something to shoot for.

We are doing this during lunch hour in a company conference room. Move the tables and chairs, line up  mats and go for it. I like the power yoga approach because adding strength is desirable and I feel the workout all afternoon on yoga days. We have 4-5 women and 3-4 men participating most days, all claiming measurable benefit. Thanks to our instructor who does it because she loves it. She is making a nice contribution just out of a belief in yoga and a healthy lifestyle. Here's to Pam.

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