Thursday, October 14, 2010

October 14, 2010

Work out #1

1 mile on the treadmill (a little faster), 1 mile on the elliptical thing, 1 mile on the stair-master, 1 mile on the rower.

3 rounds
Good mornings, 135# x10
roll outs, 5

Work out #2

1 mile on the treadmill

Back Squats, 135#x10, 185#x8, 205#x8, 315#, 2x3, 295# 2x4, 275#, 2x6
Ham Raises, 9x8

Dumbbell Snatch, 75#, 2x5 on a side
Cable Crunches, 160#, 2x10

1 mile on the elliptical thingy


ram said...

Is a barbell rollout equivalent to a rollout with the little lawn mower tires with drill rod shafts you buy at Dick's?

Sisyphus said...


The only time they would be different is when you have big plates on the bar. For example you are super-setting hang cleans and roll outs. In this case the range of motion and angle of tension is different, but, not hugely. Too, the barbell is more durable then those wheel things. If you got it use it.

Sisyphus said...


Too, I guess I should emphasize the article that I link to about the Anterior Chain, October 8th. He emphasizes working up to roll outs, because it is possible to really wreak yourself otherwise, both abdominal strain and lumbar injury. So work up slow and steady.