Thanks for the e-mail and the concern. You are spot on with observing the ambivalence I'm struggling with regarding exercise. Or, perhaps reduced expectations of mid-life. Another interesting aspect of your note regards the blog itself.
For me the blog has evolved as my reasons for exercise have changed. Initially, I was training for martial arts. Accordingly the links, the workouts, all were slanted in that direction. Indeed some of those resources are still present. As my interests shifted to my outdoor activities and my work with the Boy Scouts, the links, the resources likewise shifted, and many of those are obviously still present. I know that other bloggers keep their interests discrete writing separate blogs, but, for me that lost the point of "life span" and it lost track of the twisting and turning of ones intellectual curiosity. I thought it better to let the residue persist from each turn. Indeed, I linked back to some key texts that informed my thinking as well. In this way resonating withe the Body Tribe ethos.
During the winter you talked about writing a blog that detailed your hikes. I really liked that idea and I encourage you to consider this either a place to publish those, or, to draft them -- publish the final to your preferred site if that suites you better. I liked your linking of the GPS data from your work walk/runs. Linking to other trail reviews and providing pictures would really round this project out.
Too, I've tried to encourage RATZ to install the blogger app on her phone and to start logging her activities and her ruminations on diet. She is quite devoted to the plant based diet and has learned a lot in the last 18 months. I think it would be interesting to read her reviews and modifications of recipes.
Lastly, returning to my own exercise. I am struggling with motivation, first at a strategic level, "what are we fighting for?" Oddly enough the negative motivation does nothing for me. Exercise to avoid "x" whatever negative, frightening future, that the lack of exercise apocalypse will rain down on me. I do best when I'm going after a positive outcome. Between the bad juju at work during this last year and my own mid-life angst I've really lost sight of exercise towards something positive. The summer before A went to college we tried to hike Katahdin, I logged that fiasco here somewhere. Too, last year during deer hunting and this spring going turkey hunting I really noticed my level of condition. These are the outdoor activities that motivated me for several years of hard work -- yet, even while loving doing them avoiding the negative element of diminished fitness doesn't motivate as noted above. I've got myself some sort of double-bind going on here. Sometimes one can play the Camus card and simply be absurd, "fake it till you make it" and that will break the log jam. But for now I've got to grapple with this issue.
One, thought that occurred to me was to do exactly what I was encouraging you to do and log the adventures themselves. So RATZ and I go for a hike or a canoe trip and log that. Once a new habit of those activities is developed the workouts to support that might follow.
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
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1 comment:
I get the motivation struggle and the need for positive motivators. On the other hand they are sometimes two sides of the same coin. I want to stay fit because it allows me the quality of life I hope for, and validate that thought by seeing all the folks my age who can't live that life because they have already cashed in.
Re blog content, I like the idea of both expanding the scope of the blog into related areas and integrating active pursuits into the fitness discussion. There is a relationship and the fun things are to a degree one of the rewards for the grind of workouts. They fit well together and I think will add interest to the blog.
Good luck finding your sweet spot again and I will attempt to expand my comments in the spirit of your post. I hope PMH joins us.
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