Thursday, February 28, 2013


Last day of February. Sent away the month with some yoga in the morning, feeling a nap after classes. Trying to feel sympathetic for the Northeasterners complaining about their grey, rainy days...


Yoga.  Soggy, crappy, rainy day on top of 4 inches of wet snow.  Tag end of the week.  Sore from yesterday and the day before.  So, yoga was actually kinda nice.  Not a full on bliss out session, but, nice in a low-key-sort-of-way.  Didn't fart and embarrass myself, didn't fall over during the balance poses, so ya, pretty good.

I think tomorrow will be some sort of squat emphasis.  I'll let it burble about in the back of mind and pull something fun-ish together.  I think I want to do more with spine strength too, but, gradually.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Went for the best run ever. Shifted into a high gear going up hills and coasted on the downhills. I haven't gotten into timing my runs, but this one would have topped them all!


Fugly barbell fun with weights. Same drill.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Weighted vest, sledge hammer, tractor tire, tennis court.

Flip tire length of court, run back and get hammer run back to tire and hit 1x7 per side

did a pyramid back and forth increasing the sets to 4x7 and then decreasing back to 1x7

push ups and bear crawl, club bell mills and mace bell mills

call it good.

In some ways I felt stronger today, in other, not so much.  More tomorrow.


Went for my first run since the knee mishap. It felt amazing. I'm not really sure what it is about running, but it works wonders in my mind. I'm happy to be healthy and running again. As much as I enjoyed soccer these past few weeks, it's not really where my heads at right now, so I don't know if i'll continue playing.

What I really need to focus on now is my eating. I eat very healthily when I cook for myself; however, since I've started cooking it opens up the kitchen. I recognize now that if I wonder down the hall there's food... I'm starting to return to my bad habits of eating when I'm bored. I'm going to try to be more conscious of mindless eating for the next few weeks before break.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

On the mend

I've been getting back into yoga, my knee is no longer swollen and i'm almost feeling completely stable on it! I'm gonna take it easy with soccer, definitely keep playing, but focus more on easing back into running and more yoga! My "zen" was a little out of whack this week but I'm feeling its return every day that I wake up and my knee is a bit better.


Ya, felt puny, and crappy at the start of the week, so no workouts for me.  I did go down in the snow and the blow to do Yoga today.  Really wasn't in the right head-space at the outset, but, by the end of class I settled down.

This instructor wants us to "set your intention" at the start of class, and usually, half to two thirds the way through she "revisits your intention".  Good practice.  Most of the time my intentions are really simply, "not to fart" and "to relax a bit" and if possible "get the hips and hams loosened up".  So, not really any big hairy ass goals.  But, then again most of life is simply showing up.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Where you at, Daddy?

Have there been no workouts?? I went to yoga today even though I couldn't do a number of the poses. It felt good to find my limits in a relaxed and comfortable environment. I'm not going to play in the soccer game tomorrow but I'm definitely down for some more yoga!

Saturday, February 16, 2013


Yoga is permeating my life. I'm using my runs as meditation. When there's something I need to stop thinking about for a while I will start running and tell myself to get rid of the rest of the world. Yogic practice is invading! It's great when I'm running, except I end up getting into a grove that I can't sustain as long as I'd like. I'm working on the endurance, but if I can run that fast and feel that good because I've cleared my mind, I'm willing to work hard to maintain that relief.

Friday, February 15, 2013


Squat day. Vest and a Field-house.

Inverted bosu ball air squats, 10
frontrack fugly bar squats, 8
box ups, 6 per side
lumber, awkwardly, 200 yards
5 rounds

fugly barbell, tennis court, situps and side bends, 6 reps on each line

suitcase walk, 60 yards, each hand

dumbbell snatch with the fugly bar, 6 per side, 2 sets

IPA time

Thursday, February 14, 2013


My experience with yoga today was less gooey open your heart business and more love yourself business. My instructor read us a poem about self-love, and every time we doubted ourselves we were encouraged to send those thoughts away with a, "Happy Valentines Day." It was so much fun, and not to toot my own horn... but my arms are looking good! I ordered a yoga mat and some yoga pants since my dad lost my yoga mat.... honk honk. Love you Daddy :)


Yoga.  Fairly good session today.  The instructor made a lot of Valentines day emphasizing heart openers.  It was a little corny, but, truly well spirited.  I'm more sore from yesterday then I'd have expected but not disabled.  Saw the Chiropractor yesterday and really things were not badly out of wak, so, I guess keep, keeping on.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Fugly barbell, and weighted vest, and a tennis court.  Today I focused on pulling and pressing, basically movements from the waist up.

I'm not going to try to reproduce the sequence. But, I am seeing a gradual increase in work capacity and that really is the point.

On a whole I enjoy these kinds of workouts.  It might be remarked that I'm not warming up, but, in-truth, a warmup can be the same as the work out just at a lower intensity and a longer duration.  That rationalized, I probably could benefit from a more thoughtful warmup routine.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013



 More interesting is Anna's question about "routine". First, I don't think you've been doing this stuff long enough for it to become routine. Second, if you can still see challenges in what you are doing then I don't think it is routine yet. The fact that different people lead the yoga sessions will add some variety. That you can add mileage will also add variety. Personally I'd like to see you mix in some resistance training, some strength training, but, that should be driven by you goals. Right now your goals seem more about establishing a pattern of exercise, and about stress management. That being the case then you are working towards achieving those goals -- that is what matters.

I think that people who sit on recumbent bike/ergs and read the newspaper and then make the claim that they are exercising regularly are at the bad end of routine. I don't see that in what you are doing.

Monday, February 11, 2013


Happy Birthday to the boy next door!

I'm happily adopting a rhythm to my work outs... I've heard that doing the same things in work-outs can be killer, but since I'm devoting most of my time to my studies, a little routine never hurt. What do you think? Should I be mixing it up more?
Right now I'm running three days a week, climbing one and yoga-ing the last three. It's a nice combination for me but could just be a downhill slope...


Tire flipping sledge hammer swinging good time.Flipped the tire the length of the tennis court, ran back and got the hammer, ran back to the tire, smacked the tire 1x7 per side, walk the court and back. Did 7 cycles increasing the hammer swings by 7 each side up to 4 sets worked back down to 1 set.Clubmills and push up cycle for 4 roundsWalked it off

Sunday Post Nemo

K, I'ma rant a bit. I'm sick to death of the news-media-feeding-frenzy-hype-cycle-happy-horse-shit. HELLO we live in Maine we have winter, get over it. Sunday was beautiful. Went for a x-country ski with the Christmas toys. New skis, boots, and poles for the spouse and I -- we win. Nice trip probably on the short side of 2 miles. I got hot at the end from breaking trail uphill and no that isn't the same thing as breaking wind. If I'd been on top of that I might have gone some more -- except I'd be lame today.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Running In Mist

Betcha thought this post would be poetry or insightful or something
Mostly it's just going to me saying running in mist is the weirdest experience ever.
It smells so clean and fresh outside, but when you're done running you just smell like poop.
You're getting wet, so when you're done running it feels like you're sweating buckets.
It's so chilly you wish you'd worn gloves, until you're done running and you're so hot you could cook an egg on your skin.
Je ne comprend pas.....
I'm done complaining now. I love my run through the park because I have a 2 mile route that's mostly downhill on the way and a lot of uphills coming back. The uphills are staggered so every 100 feet uphill has a good stretch of flat after it. It's really nice.

Thursday, February 7, 2013


Yoga. And I kid you not, but the rowing guys were playing this today! Sure the teacher played music over the top of it, but, today it was mellow mariachi. And how can you go wrong with a pose called "Wild Thing".

Wild thing you make my heart sing.


I DID YOGA AGAIN THIS MORNING. Didn't mean to caps lock that but it happened and I'm too zen to fix it right now. The yoga instructors rotate each day and the instructor today was into loud, strong breathing and gave a really good work out... well, I sweated a lot. I wonder if there are any yoga mats that are resistant to palm sweat. That's a problem. Nevertheless, I loved waking up like that, even my shower after was mindful so I'm appreciative. Side note: There is only one Dunkin Donuts on the west coast... I miss their blueberry muffins a lot. I don't really appreciate that.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Fugly bar, weighted vest in the Fieldhouse. Back rack walked 300 yards. dead-lift, bent over rows, high pulls, push press, 3 reps of each advance to next line on the tennis court, did that cycle twice. Over head press walk, up two (lines) back one 3 air squats, 3 front rack squats, walk to line 2 cycles 3 front rack squats, lunge walk to next line Back rack walked 200 yards. 3 good mornings, and so on 3 situps (with the vest) 3 side bends each side, on each line took the vest off and did 6 situps, 6 side bends each side 100 yard one handed farmers walk, switch sides, finished with overhead press and walk 75ish yards


This is a combo date cuz I ran in Tryon yesterday but that's all I've been writing about lately so I figured it would make for a boring post... HOWEVER, today I did yoga and it was great. We have a yoga club on campus that meets sunday, tuesday and thursday. I'm on that shit. Such a good outlet!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Yoga. Bleh. I'm thinking that I'm going to have to do my own thing. Just fed up with all the woo woo malarky. Today the rowers were listening to the good old gospel classic, "Down to the River" and that warranted the volume turned up to ten on the nature dubbed synthesizer, bird chirping muzak. Bleh, just bleh. I think it is time to vote with my feet.

Monday, February 4, 2013


A boy and his vest.  No, not the 20lb vest just the 13. 

Tire-flip 50 yards, run back get the 6lb sledge hammer and return to the tire, smack it 7 per side

repeated 4 time added a set of sledge hammer each round, had to walk a bit after the cycle just to let the heart catch up

mace bell swings, paired with 4 pushups

Clubbell mills and reverse mills with choked grip on the hammer, and 4 pushups

Saturday, February 2, 2013


Another run through the park today. Got so caught up in the music and the beautiful forest. Such a fantastic view of Mt Hood. Sun, sun, sun. Feeling good.

Friday, February 1, 2013


Fugly barbell in the field-house, even with early symptoms of a cold, this felt good. I focused on movements below the short-ribs.

Just a medley:
300 yards of back rack walk
dead-lift, bent over rows, high pulls, and push press, 3 reps each, advance to the next line, lather, rinse, repeat...
front squats, and straight leg dead-lifts
front rack walking lunges,
situps, and side-bends

just a jumble of stuff, but as I said, focused on hips, quads, and hams ended with farmers walk, and waiters walk.

Today felt good, like there was more in the tank, so barring this cold going south on me, I'll try to ramp it up a little next week.