Friday, November 21, 2008

November 21, 2008

Warm-up -- Treadmill intervals, 7mph work, 3mph rest, 80 second cycles -- getting boring.


Deadlift 225# 21, 14, 7
Kipping Pullups, 7, 7,7

Core 3/20

4 way neck machine, 120#
Cable Crunches, 150#
Cable Push Pull, 60#

"W" was doing the "Bars of Death" spent some time coaching on the Cleans. His timing is off. So that he is jumping and shrugging with his feet off the ground, tried to get him to work on just the high pull -- but obviously "Bars of Death" is a bad time for coaching. I like to think about the Clean and Jerk as 4 pieces that you put back together into one thing. Deadlift, high pull, front squat, and split jerk, break it down and then build it back.

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