Saturday, March 29, 2014


I've had a nasty dose of bronchitis and a bronchial infection that pretty much flattened me for the last 2+ weeks. At least during that time the snow went away and daytime temps are pretty consistently above freezing, opening up the outdoors again. Tate and I went on our neighborhood 3 mile interval today, my first real exercise since getting sick. It felt good to flush my lungs and I hope help to put this thing behind me. Next week is going to  be in the 50s and I want to  be ready to get back to lunch time intervals at work. It looks like spring is finally  getting the  upper hand. This morning, we saw the ice receding and multiple herons, buffle heads, mergansers, Canada geese and a beaver from our dock. Looking forward to the spring energy surge this year.

Thursday, March 13, 2014


One hour of flow yoga. The program is getting progressively more aggressive. Still struggling with some of the balance moves. Instructor says find the four corners of your feet? What? I can tell that my flexibility is improving and left and right side moves are more similar. (Initially I had much less freedom in twists to the right). Neck is a little out of whack but I think that is normal adjustment. Snow is finally almost gone. Soon we can combine this with some walk-runs outside and then we really have something.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014


Off work on  monday the 10th. Did a 30 minute body weight strength workout in the basement, followed by  a 3 mile walk with wife and dog.

At work on tuesday, a little sore from yesterday, ready for lunch time yoga. Instructor is picking up the pace as she claims we are getting better at it. Bottom line is she goes through the flow sequences faster and packs more reps into the hour we have for it. The program is balanced in terms of body parts, stretches, balance and strength poses. We went through  the sun salutations in more variations and numbers of repetitions than we have before. I felt more flushed, tired and satisfied than usual. I think it is a good thing.

Spring is finally moving in. Most of the snow is off our trail. I can see us outside a couple of days a week and in yoga a couple of others. It promises to be a good season for fitness.

Monday, March 10, 2014

An interesting program

Visited our daughter over the weekend and took in two workout sessions at the facility in which she is a partner. The system is called Madabolic. It is what I would call high intensity interval training aimed at serious athletes but adaptable to anyone who likes intense workouts at whatever your fitness level. The workout  changes daily. It consists of six stations that change with the day. Saturday it was heavy bag, slide board, kettle bell swing, squat cleans, suicide sprints and another I have forgotten. The drill was 12 sets of 15 second intervals for the movement, with 15 seconds off after each set, at each station. The workout begins with an explanation of each movement, form emphasized, and a warmup. Sunday had a different mix that included rowing machines and a 30 second on/off interval. They  accommodate up to 4 people at each station. No measurement of performance, that is up to the individual. But there is a trainer who encourages and corrects form. To the credit of the facility managers and trainers, there is tremendous camaraderie and a very supportive and enthusiastic atmosphere. I saw several clients that I met last summer when the gym opened who have literally transformed their bodies in 7-8 months. This means weight loss and muscular development. I have to  say that I was impressed with the system and their execution of it. I didn't' have the courage to do a workout, but am motivated to get into condition to try one next visit.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Swam for 40 minutes, free/free/breast.  Short today, because I had to get back for a meeting.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014


Solid yoga session today. Full range of strength, flex and balance. Started out sore from the weekend workout, so it felt good to stretch everything. Yoga definitely helps get the kinks out. I can't see huge improvements in flexibility, especially in hamstrings and inner thigh. Balance is a little better and I can handle the session more comfortably each week, so I guess that is progress. I have a catch in my left shoulder that bothers me when doing a major rotation (like up dog to down dog). Otherwise, everything is positive.

Monday, March 3, 2014


Vest, fugly barbell, and the fieldhouse

I have to say that my heart wasn't in it.  I worked for about 40 minutes.  Probably reflects let down form a tough week last week and March has always been the toughest month of the winter for me. 

Sunday, March 2, 2014


Short weight workout followed by a three mile interval with Tate. I haven't kept up with cardio this winter and know I have regressed. First mile, which starts with a long uphill pull was mostly a walk, but after I got warm I felt better and ended up running the rest of the flats and downs, walking the serious  ups. Hitting the ups after a stretch of running lets me stay on the edge of what I can do with an aggressive walk. The leg work I did prior to the run definitely had an impact. It is mid-20s today with occasional snow. Can't wait for the snow to go and a little more sun and warmth to arrive. This was a good pump primer.