Monday, August 31, 2009

August 31, 2009

Work out group had close to 15 people today.

Warm up, standard fare, but long in duration and distance
Dynamic Mobility, standard, but long

Work out

Suicide Monday, basically 30-40 minutes of all kinds of suicides: lunge walk, bear crawl, running, carrying things, and so on. I and my weighted vest did OK until the last one. Suicide and burpees, 1 on the baseline, add one at the 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, I finished but....

Friday, August 28, 2009

August 28, 2009

Warm up, weighted vest
Dog Climbers
Reverse Lunges
Hip Circle Squats
Gravitron, dips and pull ups

Hang Squat Cleans, 135# 4, 185#, 4, 4, 3, 1
Incline Bench Press, 95#, 10, 10, 10, 6, 8
Gravitron Pull ups, 10, 10, 10, 8, 10

Over head squat, 89#, 6, 6, 5
Dumbbells Dead lift, 105# each hand, 5, 5, 5
Weighted Dips, 20#, 4, 4, 4

4 way neck machine, 100#, 12, 12
Cable Crunches, 150#, 30, 30
Hyper-extensions, 20#, 10, 10

Thursday, August 27, 2009

August 27, 2009

Workout group had a dozen.

Warm up
, Medi-ball

Dynamic mobility, standard fare

Sprints from various starting positions

3 rounds
3 way suicide, 5 yard and 10 yard
split leg lateral toss, 8
Goblet hold dumbbell, 2 way sports squat, 50#, 10
dumbbell snatch, 50#, 4

running and changing directions, 180s and 360s

3 rounds
lateral hop and run 5 yards, lateral hop the other direction and run 5 yards out to the 40 yard, 2x
sprint and side shuffle, left and right
2 way lunge and reach, 6 per side
dumbell single leg squat, 6 per side

7 rounds, front and sides
plank hold and 10 yard shuttle run

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

August 25, 2009

Push up burpees w/ a pull up, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2,
Hyper-extensions, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10

Heavy Snatch, 100#, 6,5,4,3
box jumps, 15,12,12,12
and supine rows, 12, 12, 10, 8

Heavy Squats, 275#, 3,3,3,3
ham raises, 12,12,12,12
upright rows, 100#, 8,6,6,6

standing cable crunches, 150#, 30
cable push pull, 80#, 10, 70#, 8, 60#, 12 on a side
and hyper-extensions, 20, 15, 12

After it is all said and done, I think I will modify this a bit. I think I'll push the number of rounds up to 7, and drop the number of reps on the body weight exercises a bit.

August 24, 2009

Work out group 10 people. Beautiful day, but, the turf field added a few degrees.

Warm up, standard fare
Dynamic Mobility, standard fare

Broad jump, 4x10, 60 seconds of rest in between

Work, 4-rounds

55# dumbell
Dumbbell Rows, 5 reps
30 seconds of rest
Dumbbell Rows, 5 reps
30 seconds of rest
Single leg RDL/walking lunge, all on a single side (alternate sides on rounds) 5 reps
30 seconds of rest
burpees, 5
30 seconds of rest

30 seconds of high plank
30 seconds of contra lateral superman
30 seconds of contra lateral v-ups
30 seconds of rest

1 Tabata cycle, 8 rounds, 20 seconds of work 10 seconds of rest = 4 minutes
goblet squats (or in my case weighted vest)

This was fairly tough. I really liked doing the SLRDL and lunge combo as it really fatigued a side. I could feel it stressing and stabilizing each side of my pelvis.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

August 20, 2009

Work out group about a dozen of us. On the turf it was hotter then the day really was, but, at least way less humid, breezy, and cooler. Yes, I had the weighted vest.

Warm up
8 cycles of running, increasing intensity, and distance

Work, I got there just a little late so only the 55# dumbbells were available, and yes I cast whiney abuse about regarding my co-workers parentage

6 rounds
RDL, 6
30 seconds of push ups
6 weighted lunges, all on a side
30 seconds of push ups
10 yard walk for active rest

4 rounds
Dumbbell swings, 8
30 seconds of get ups
weighted jump and stick squats
30 seconds of get ups
weighted jump and stick squats
10 yard walk for active rest

I tried to use a 40# for the get ups and failed, I just couldn't lock out after the push ups. "J" pointed out sensibly, "Dude, you are wearing the vest, just do the exercise." Sometimes a guy gets dumb in the heat and exhaustion.

Sample Full Body Weight Training Program for Athlete










Jerk or Military Press









Overhead or Front Squat, or Plyo Jumps



Bench Press or Chest Dip



Incline Press or Jammer






Pulldowns or Pull-ups



Leg Curls



Four-way Neck Machine



Sit-ups, Twisting Sit-ups, or Leg Hip Raise




  • Exercises are not necessarily performed in order listed
  • L (light): <80%>
  • H (heavy): >80% 1RM
I found this chart on and I kinda like it and kinda don't. So, that means it is a great place to start a conversation. First, I find it odd that they create the caveat that you don't necessarily perform the exercises in the order they appear on the list. Well why not it is actually a good order, generally. Starting with the big muscles working to smaller supporting and ending at what we commonly call "core".

From the top, I love the presence of the O-lifts. Personally, I'm taking a break on Cleans and Front Squats as they put a lot of pressure on my clavicles and my shoulders are giving me fits right now, but, they are good exercises. For the same reason I'm steering clear of overhead pressing. Dead lift and squats are bread and butter just do them. Bench press is out for the shoulders, and, I think it is vastly overrated as are Man Boobs. Incline Bench is marginally better. Chest dips are the upper bodies squats and we should do lots of them. I've never done the Jam thing they show, but, I'm intrigued I could turn on to that. Rows, supine, bent over, upright, and high pulls are tremendous and we don't do enough of them same with pull ups -- don't bother with pull-downs, they are a waste of time. Leg curls are bull dooky don't waste time on them, rather, ham raises, or hyper-extensions are far better, so is dead lift. Four way neck machine is manna from heaven -- just use it. Twisty, wiggly crap on the floor does not a core strength make. Cable crunches, cable push pull, pounding on something with a sledge hammer are all much better -- that said old school sit-ups and hip marches are ok particularly as active rest supersetted with other exercises.

Where the hell is the warm up? Everybody should be warming up, but especially geezers like me.

'Twere me I'd set stuff up in supersets and get to work, so for example "Monday". On the heavy, well go heavy and so the reps will be between 3-6, on the light, reps around 12, but as much as 20, 3-5 rounds would be adequate. This isn't body building so get in get it done and get out. Leaves more time for mobility or sport specific activities. Hence:


Heavy Snatch, 100#-135#, 6,5,4,3
box jumps, 20
and supine rows, 12

Heavy Squats, 285#+/-, 6,5,4,3
ham raises, 15
upright rows, 135#+/-, 6,5,4,3

standing cable crunches, 150#, 20-30
cable push pull, 60-80#, 10-15 on a side
and hyper-extensions, 15-20


Hang Squat Cleans, 185#, 6,5,4,3
Incline BP, 95#, 12, 12, 12, 12
Gravitron Pull ups, 20, 20, 20, 20

Over Head Squats, 95#plus chains, 6,5,4,3
Dead lift, 205#, 12, 12, 12, 12
Weighted Dips, 20#, 6,5,4,3

Weighted ham raises, 20#, 8-12
4 Way Neck Machine, 100#, 12
Knees to Elbows, 20


Clubbell Mills and Casts, 20
Dumbbell Snatch, 50#, 12
Supine Rows, 12+

Dead lift 360#+/-, 6,5,4,3
Split Squats, 45#, 12/Pistols, 4-5
Gravitron Dips, 20

Weighted Pull ups, 20#, 6,5,4,3
4way neck machine 150#, 8
Cable Crunches, 150#, 20-30
Diagonal Plate Raises, 45#, 8

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

August 19, 2009

Yoga. Freaking room was close to 100 degrees! WE SHOULD HAVE GONE OUTSIDE! Whatever. I guess you pay top dollar at some wellness centers for "Hot Yoga" I got it as a benefit so what do I have to fuss about.

Yoga is such an ambivalent thing for me. By the 45minute mark I'm going freaking nuts, maybe I am ADD or something, but, I just start to fume at the pace. Fortunately, this leader goes into the Warrior poses at about that point so there is some break, but, man.... I guess that is why I like the Dynamic Mobility, Yoga hopped up on a double latte, American Yoga. Probably the same problem I have with Chess and why I enjoy sparring. Sparring is a lot like chess on speed. Dynamic mobility is Yoga on speed. Works for me. All whinyness aside, the Yoga leader came up with a really good lunge stretch that I'm going to add to my collection. It is really deep so not one that can be done with movement.

I like what Chip is doing here:

YouTube - Quick mobility play

And no I'm not a Chip groupy now. I think he and Xfit are on the same continuum just at different ends and it is a continuum that I enjoy. I happen to think he and Glassmen talk past each other and I think they both have a sense of elitism about their own brand. But, I think wisdom is where you find it and if you are smart enough to pick it up for yourself.

I had to take the first born to Soccer pre-season second session this evening so I thought I'd get a work out in. Final analysis, I don't really enjoy working out by myself anymore. I've got to recapture that again -- even if the intensity is lower I think it is an occasion to play around and try new stuff. Being social is important, but, being alone is too. Had to wear the vest. I suspect that if the stupid thing hadn't cost so much I wouldn't feel compelled to wear it all the time... ok, I don't wear it when I'm brushing my teeth, and "P" won't let me wear it to bed.

Warm Up, 30 yards or so and jog back
Forward skip backward arm circles
backward skip forward arm circles
Carioca, l and r
Forward shuffle, 2l and 2r
Backward shuffle, 2l and 2r
Backward push

Dynamic Moblity 5, or 5 on a side
Tiger push ups
Superman walk
High knee walk to lunge to quad stretch
knee out walk to lunge w/double reach to quad stretch
Kick walk

Jump Circuit, 3x10
Jump Tucks
Rocket Girls
Speed Skaters
Plyo Pushups, 5 (since the work out was written with a lot of pushups)

3 rounds
alternate hand kettlebell swings, 25#, 20 reps
sandbag thrusters, 45

Burpee suicide, 1x, sometimes I just look old when I try to run

Clock face lunges 3x
Spectrum squats 2x
walking lunges 20 yards, 2x

rock dead lift, 3-3-3-3-3-3-3
I found a really cool rock that was heavy and the right size and shape. Doing the Sisyphus thing.

I had hoped to meet "DP" for this work out but his life is too complicated this week. Actually, I've been trying to get together with he and "MS" for a while. I think they are a little intimidated. On one hand I'll give them the benefit of the doubt, but, in truth I'm just a tired middle aged guy, nothing really intimidating, I sweat like a horse, and my heart pounds up in my throat, my vision closes down, and I have to defeat the negative self talk just like everybody else.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

August 18, 2009

Another hot, hazy, humid day.

With one pair of dumbbells… and a weighted vest... two turtle dove and a partridge in a pear tree.

Mark of the Beast, 6x6x6
bent over rows: 6
Swings (with both DBs): 6
dumbbell thrusters: 6
burpees (with DBs): 6
Waiter lunge walk: 6
Dumbbell snatch: 6 each side
6 times.

Dead lift, 275#, 5,4,3,2,1
Snatch, 95# 5,4,3,2,1

3 Rounds
Cable Push Pull, 60# 14 reps
hyper-extensions, 14 reps

Monday, August 17, 2009

August 17, 2009

Today was a hot one. But, I made the commitment to wear my weighted vest... so I did. I think we had about 10 people in the work out group today.

Warm up, Standard fare

Dynamic Mobility, Standard fare

Weight Room

Dead lift
hang clean
push press

Hang Snatch
Bent over Rows
High Pulls
Pogo Hops
Good Mornings

3rd Circuit
In all honesty this was fairly confusing, and I was hot and tired, and so when we got to the last group I just gave up on it and did Clean and Split Jerk on each side. At this point it was just about keeping going.

The thing I noticed most about the vest was how much heat it trapped, the weight wasn't that difficult.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

August 14, 2009 and Rant

Took the day off and met "C" for a fishing trip. Used my canoe, which, he and I haven't been in together since our April epic of a few years ago. This trip was uneventful. "C" caught fish -- I believe he has made an unholy alliance with a devil, and hence, his unnatural predatory ability. I didn't get skunked but my performance was pretty poor. Altogether we covered perhaps 2 miles of easy paddling. We went back to his house and I offered to lead a work out. "C" has been working out fairly regularly at the local Y like most of us he has missed a couple of weeks this summer to trips and vacations, but, consistently none-the-less. I remembered how difficult I found these types of sesssions when I started and so I scaled way back in planning the thing. Besides I have acquired a 20lb vest and thought I'd give it a try, before, I use it with the work out group and do something embarrasing -- lose control of bodily functions or something.

Warm Up, 30 yards or so and jog back
Forward skip backward arm circles
backward skip forward arm circles
Carioca, l and r
Forward shuffle, 2l and 2r
Backward shuffle, 2l and 2r
Backward push

Dynamic Moblity 5, or 5 on a side
Tiger push ups
Superman walk
High knee walk to lunge to quad stretch
knee out walk to lunge w/double reach to quad stretch
Kick walk

Jump Circuit, 3x10
Jump Tucks
Rocket Girls
Speed Skaters
Plyo Pushups, 5 (since the work out was written with a lot of pushups)

3 rounds
Sandbag get ups, 2 on each side
Kettle bell swings, 20 reps

At this point "C" felt crushed. And at this point I got angry -- not with my friend -- but, with a fitness industry, a medical industry, a society at large, that tells us the minimum is enough. Let me clarify briefly: I refuse to use the term "myths" as I love myths, the stories of Loki, Thor and Odin, or Zeus, heroes like Hercules, even Abraham and Moses. Myths are important to a quality life. I refuse to use the term "lies" as that would imply some sort of plot and I'm not convinced this situation is really any kind of grand scheme -- most things in America are more just a muddle then a plot. Rather I will use the term "untruths". It is untrue that 20-30 minutes of so called aerobic work, 3, 5, or even 7 days a week will provide an adequate level of physical fitness. I say "so called" here I'm talking about holding your heart rate at the recommended "fat burn" or "aerobic" while engaged on some slogging machine. This is the minimum recommendation for heart health, but, that is not the same thing as the optimal level for achieving quality of life. Who wants minimal quality of life? I mean at least we ought to be aiming for an average life. But, who really wants to settle for an average life – secretly we all want to marry the prince, win the lottery, take the tropical vacation and have an excellent life. Yet, so little in our society is about the hard work really necessary to achieve excellence – yes, the myth of the American dream seems no longer to be a motivator. Let alone the hard work neccesary to achieve an average life. Precisely how strong do I need to be to sit at my desk and clack away at the keyboard? How strong do I need to be to walk to my car, sit in my recliner watch TV? In truth not very. Is that all I ever want to, or, need to do? Am I ready for an emergency with this minimal level of fitness? Am I ready for an adventure of any sort with this level of fitness?

Another untruth is that exercise will cause weight loss. Point in fact you are what and how much you eat. Everyday I watch people slogging, some at very high levels of intensity, and I never see their body composition change. Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different result…. I disagree that isn’t the definition of insanity, I think it is something worse, it is unthinking. If you want a change in body composition, you have to change what and how much you eat, and you have to change the type of activities you engage in, period -- this is, not easy or simple. To increase muscle mass you have to lift heavy objects. To lose fat you have to reduce your fat and carbohydrate intake.

We really need to engage in some untruth busting because it is sad, annoying, and wasteful, that people are putting in the same 3, 5, 7 hours of workout time as I am and yet yielding such poor returns. With 5-6 hours a week at the right intensity and volume a person could have a well above average level of fitness. Moreover, the friendships I have in the gym are above average. The mental toughness we share prepares us for emotional as well as physical emergencies. The mental discipline of living in the moment that a tough work out forces on us, prepares us for, and applies to many of life's challenges. Too, I have a level of spontaneity in my life because I have the confidence of my fitness, if I am invited to go on an adventure, I go without a doubt.

All of that said: I will probably die of heart failure in my late 80’s just, like many other people in my family. You can’t avoid dying and you can’t avoid you genetics. But like Sisyphus you can flip those numbers the bird every single day.

So, I guess my rant coincides with others: Chip Conrad got all worked up about Time Magazine's latest promulgation of these untruths.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

August 13, 2009

Roughly a dozen.

Warm Up, Medi-ball partner work.

Dynamic Mobility, standard fare


Something I don't remember.

Burpee Suicide, 5, 10, 15, and 20 yards, 1 Burpee on the goal line, 2 on the 5, 3 on the 10 and so on, but always 1 on the goal line.

Medi-ball plank, 30 seconds
medi-ball swing, 10reps to egg toss
lunge walk to the ball dumbell in each hand
renegade rows, 30 seconds

Jump squats
Air Squats
Isometric squat hold, 20 seconds each
1 minute of active rest (walk to the 20 and back) 3 rounds

6 minutes
throw medi-ball anyway, but not the same way twice in a row, run after it, lather, wash, rinse, repeat.

I felt great today. "J" talked a bit about Glycemic Window it seems if we were to drink 8 oz of Chocolate Milk we would get about the same benefit as one of the Sport drinks. Chocolate milk tastes better too.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

August 12, 2009


I was psyched to see 3 people from our work out group doing yoga. It is all part of our plan for world domination! MEWHAHAHA!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

August 11, 2009

Warm up
Push up Burpees w/ a pull up, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1,
Hyperextensions, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Sumo Deadlift w/high pull, 95#, 30 reps
Front squat, 185#, 30 reps

Gravitron, 90#, 3x10
Pull ups
Bar Dips

Just too dang warm today to really feel fly. "W" was doing Xfit press workout. "J" was doing max on Power Cleans, upwards of #265.

Friday, August 7, 2009

August 7, 2009

Not really excited, but, went any way.

1 mile on the elliptical thing

Tried for 3x8, but the shoulder shut down on the last set
Incline BP, 135#
OHS, 95# plus chains,
Glute-Ham Raises

Sumo-deadlift w/high pull, 95#
Glute-Ham Raises

Snatch, 95#

Farmers Walk, 100# dumbbells
4 Way Neck Machine
Standing cable crunches
Cable Push Pull

Thursday, August 6, 2009

August 6, 2009

Work out group had about dozen folks.

Standard Warm up.


2 minutes
2 push ups on dumbbells
2 dumbbell rows on each side
2 walking weighted lunges each side

10 dumbbell swings
10 yards broad jump
20 yard sprint, walk back

full length of football field
10 yards or farmers walk or locked out over head
5 push ups

Simple Suicide, 5, 10, 15, 20 yards

10 yards of waiter walk w/ dumbbell,
10 yards of waiter lunges w/ dumbbell
jog back
lather, rinse, repeat, starting on opposite side

sport squats, goblet hold
and something I don't recall

4 minutes continuous
2 inch worms
3 v-ups
4 walking lunges

Farmers walk forward 15 yards, backward 15 yards

Put the dumbbells away

I thought it was too hot, but, I may just be being whiney. I tried a sport drink after the work out to see if I recover a little better. I've never been into those things, but, a friend indicated he had noticed a difference in how he felt the next day -- so, what the heck give it a try.

Been Down So Long It Looks Like Up To Me

Other parts of my life have taken over during the last 2 weeks. This week; Monday and Tuesday, and today, Thursday, I've been able to, or will, get workouts in, and hopefully tomorrow as well. I really needed the rest and didn't realize it. So that has been good, but, I'm starting to miss the routine. In a recent blog post Chip Conrad made the interesting observation:
Yet this seems to be a big trend in training right now, doing a bunch of challenging, but very random, workouts hoping for some kind of grand final result. Even ‘general fitness’ is still a category that deserves a modicum of structure in it’s training.
I feel this is something I've observed and struggled with mostly since turning on to CrossFit. Though in honesty what we are doing is more like what CATZ Sports is about with CrossFit-ish stuff on the other days. And to their defense they do have a 12 day cycle and if you follow their plan they have sets of goals for the 10 areas of fitness that they define. With my fading interest in combat sports, I've lost that focus on my work outs. So, I've got to reset and identify goals and future trajectory. "General fitness" is kinda boring as a category, so, I've got to find something more stimulating. This kind of thing is basically what the folks slogging on the ergs are aiming at "general fitness" although I do a greater variety of stuff perhaps I'm slogging too, just not as obviously. I did nail a big goal not to long ago with the personal record in the Clean and Jerk. But, that was really tough on my shoulder too, so, I've got some rehab to accomplish. Rehabilitating the knee after surgery was also a big goal, but one that is largely accomplished.

The Maine Fittest Games went off last weekend. I'd say the event was a success from what I can see from the blog sites. However, I was disappointed that so few people participated and that none of the folks I work out with did it. Perhaps, I should really encourage folks to aim for next years games. Admittedly the workouts will be different next year. And that might be a good thing. I was surprised to see the times that folks were pulling down -- I think everything was done in an hour. Somehow I had imagined a day long event. Perhaps, next time there might be a way to emphasize teamwork, and to stretch the event out. Perhaps, a heavy workout at the old Rt 27 landing on Snow Pond, then canoe the length of the lake to the Oakland landing, from there run to Littlefields gym, do another work out, then perhaps do something like a round of archery that demands accuracy, and maybe finish with a 3rd workout. Finally, have a big picnic, pig roast or something on the front lawn, maybe with music, that goes into the evening -- but something that is fun for the whole family and extends the event into a day long celebration of fitness. Perhaps, it might be possible to pull Belgrade Canoe and Kayak, and a local sporting goods store into the mix in order to have the equipment.

On the fat loss front, well, I can honestly say that for now I've lost my steam. I think the plan will be to reset in September and hit it hard as we approach the holidays. "P" is still staying focused and has lost 20lbs and is feeling really good about it. She is an inspiration.