Thursday, January 31, 2013


This is a good date. I ran outside today. Apparently it's super warm on the East coast today, but here it's in the 50's all the time. I'm not sure if I like consistency or seasons better. While I was running through the state park by my school I would catch myself marveling at all the green around me, and the fact that I was running outside on the last day of January...


Yoga.  So, ok the Crow is a totally cool pose.

With today's spike in temperature 56degrees we've varied 60degrees in less than a week. I was sweating like... a middle aged guy. Today was pretty good despite the chatter. And we had the mellow mariachi music. Take the money to the bank.

Building Resilience

At first blush I have nothing to say about stress management.  I know nothing.  Yet then again, perhaps, I do.  I have no interest in being a first responder and yet that probably is where my native talent arises.  I move quickly from emergency, to plan, to action.  This weekend we had a chimney fire.  From the second I recognized the sound, to the point where "P" and I called the Fire Department, my brain was working, 1) pull the fire in the hearth apart and extinguish it; 2) can I smother the chimney fire?... no practical way; 3) can I fight it from the roof, nope, icy, and I'm not tall enough to reach the chimney top; 4) I have to fight it from below.... Where is the big fire extinguisher..?) and so my brain just engages and things fall into place.

But, I'm not as good with sustained stress... it quite literally erodes and depletes me.  Fortunately, I married someone who is best with that kind of stress.  I've learned a bit from her.  The questions become more strategic:  what can I do today, what can I do this week, what has to wait for longer -- a year, 10 years.  The mental discipline of compartmentalizing, of, thinking something over, and then putting it in one of the future boxes, putting the lid on it and leaving it.  Learning to care for oneself in the eye of the storm, to relish the moments of relief, but, more to create these moments in a strategic way, so that, I can keep, keeping on.  The connections to fitness types teases out here, for life one needs both kinds of toughness: sprinting and marathon.

Personally, I don't do well with strong emotions and so I try to get to a planning stage as quickly as possible.  I start researching, and fact finding, while almost simultaneously forming that into a provisional plan.  That plan may stand or may get completely re-vamped, but, having a provisional plan creates hooks to hang knowledge and facts on, to keep them at hand.  Facts and knowledge cut the problem to size quickly, showing tempest in teapots, or Godzilla for what they really are.

FOCUS and this is something I think we have to worry about as we have an entire generation of multi-taskers, who have not developed their attention span.  Having a laser like focus stills the internal voices, the roiling emotions -- mine has, at times, been ferocious, and I do see this as an asset.  Sitting meditation is an obvious place to develop focus.  But there are many other ways to practice attention span, learning and playing a musical instrument, exercise, martial arts, yoga, reading books, and for me writing, can work in this way.

Laughter and play, again I'm not a strong role model here, since strong happiness is as suspect to me as any other strong emotion.  But, play I'm a little better at, lots of different things through my life have served as play, so to each his/her own.  Play is important because it is often in play when the epiphanous solution reveals itself -- the AHAH!, moment.  And certainly, one needs solutions to the problems that cause the stress.

The chimney fire turned out fine.  I threw two fire extinguishers at the problem and yet it burned -- though with less intensity.  My resources were taxed yet I know that I often don't call for help and I often learn after the fact that a little help... helps.  By the time the Firemen arrived the fire had burned out.  I was embarrassed, a little.  But they were gracious (they actually seemed pleased to not have to deal with destroyed dreams and burned bodies) and they used their temperature camera thing to certify that the fire hadn't spread to the joists and framing around the chimney -- that is peace of mind.


I ran today. It definitely wasn't an intense day, but I was stressing all day long and I got back to my room after classes and studying and realized that if I didn't get my butt to the gym I'd end up sitting at my desk being unproductive, not taking a shower, and eating... eating, eating, eating. With this frightening thought, I hauled ass to one of the smaller work out rooms on campus and did some running and cycling. It was good getting back later, forced to shower, and at least not wanting to eat my weight in pretzels. Who knows how productive I'll be at this point, but I'm proud of myself for taking the time to make myself feel good.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Yoga. Once the work starts I'm ok. Indeed today was focused on hips, perfect. But I almost got up and walked out because of all the twinkly, new-age jargon hash. I understand that every tribe has its' own language. I'm sure I engage in it as well. But, for me the mystical horse-shit just grates.

I just had an insight as to why... as a young person forced to attend church I recall nearly vomiting whenever the phrase "let us pray" was uttered. At once an otherwise sane, even down to earth tradesman/woman, would lapse into stilted and affected phrasing and vocabulary reserved only for these occasions of telling god all about it -- in public, out-loud. Bleh. Nice to have the insight, but, I can do without the recollection. So anyway now I understand some of my impatience with that blather.

I'm not opposed to the good feeling that comes from a session of yoga. I'm not opposed to feeling mystical about  exercise. I'm opposed to inflating it. Let it speak for itself.  If it is true it will prove.

Anyway, the Pigeon is a lovely bitch.


So, I don't recall the exact work-out that Anna is referring to.  But, I've ranted before about this movement and I think it bears repeating.

Crossfit defines for us the correct "Burpee"

This for me is one of the greatest weaknesses of that franchise they are creating "the sport of fitness".  But to do this there must be one right "burpee" so that competitions can be judged fairly.  I feel strongly that this price is too steep that we are not discovering what is possible but rather what is endurable when we follow Crossfit's philosophy.

In contrast (and because I feel so strongly about it I will re-blog it) is this from BodyTribe:

Here we see all sorts of possibilities within the parameters of a movement set. Indeed we are inspired to invent some movements of our own, perhaps like a conversation, or an improvisation, and this is what I mean by opening up what is possible. Fitness isn't about a collection of numbers, fitness for life is far more complex and is as much a thought process, an attitude and it reflects a social-ability as well.

One of my personal favorite burpee workouts includes a jump to an overhead pullup bar and a pullup. I've done it in various ascending and descending sets and reps and paired it with both hyper-extensions and good mornings. For example:

9 "burpees", 1 hyper-extension
8 "burpees", 2 hyper-extension
7 "burpees", 3 hyper-extension and so on,

At my best I could do that full cycle in just under 10 minutes and used it as a warm-up. I'm sure if a person were inclined they could read back through the postings and find the development of the cycle. My point here is that what is cool about the burpee is that it combines fundamental movements, working nearly the entire body, and in doing this offers a very efficient set of movements for training. Burpees suck -- long live Burpees.

Monday, January 28, 2013


Did butt and oblique work outs from blogilates or here, The Original POP Pilates today. Also did an ab circuit I found online that involved crunches, planks, side planks, bridges and push ups. To top that off I did the famous burpee work out from cross fit... well tried. What A KILLER. I remember trying that in the basement with dad. That'll be my next goal! Finish the crazy burpee work out.


Fugly barbell, field-house, and get to work.

This was much like what I did on Friday.  I saw improvement in my Turkish get ups, but, I failed to get down.  I added side-bends and added 3 rounds of tennis court suicides salted throughout the workout.  In the end just another good workout.  Right now it is all about paying dues and building foundations I've got nothing to prove to anybody and that keeps it light.  I had a fun chat with "K" who is getting ready for the Crash B Regatta, and get this, a Strong Women at the end of  March. Her first event was about a year ago, Central Maine Strongman.  She is my age and has a wonderful story to tell about turning her physical health around.  Nice to reconnect with her.

Too the man cub ran 4:54:52 for the indoor mile and 2:13:79 for the open 800 this Saturday past.  So I'm proud of him.

Saturday, January 26, 2013


Wow. College makes fitness easy; There's a gym on campus, Kitchens down the hall to cook in, And healthy food options in the dining halls. Once you get into that good, sore, healthy feeling it's so easy to avoid the unhealthy things. I'm really digging being back at school this semester! I've been working out/ studying intermittently all day today. It's fantastic. Stay away from the things that make you feel gross and stay active... that's really all there is to it. I feel better, sleep better, have better skin and self respect.

Friday, January 25, 2013


I'm going to call today's workout: "Canoe Portage".

Fugly barbell and a Tennis Court  I'm not going to remember it exactly:

deadlift 3x, high pulls, 3x, push press 3x, advance to the next line and repeat and so on to the opposite service line

overhead hold, walk forward to line, and backward to line and so on to the opposite service line

tuck toes under the bar and do 7 sit ups, jump up and do 3 deadlift, 3 bent over rows, and 3 high pulls, advance to the next line and so on

2 pushups on the bar pick it up and advance to the next line and repeat

I threw some side presses in and a couple of Turkish get ups.  I can't say my form was great but I got them done.

when my heart rate got high, I'd back rack the weight and walk a lap on the track

just kept this kind of thing up for 45 minutes


Trying to make my date different than Dad's; i don't know if it's stupid like that... Anyways, I had a uber busy day today and stressed myself to pieces. I drank two medium green teas and ended up peeing every 30 minutes. PS our bodies can handle up to 10 mugs of green tea a day before it's bad for you... I intend to test that theory. I studied through the day and the water was turned off in my dorm so the only time I could work out was 9 pm. That's right east-coast babies. I was in the gym at the stroke of midnight! It was so empty. I did an interval running work out. I stayed between 5 and 6.5 with inclines varying between 1 and 4 for about 30 minutes. Then I did a core circuit and box step combinations. Felt good to get a workout in after a stressful day.

Thursday, January 24, 2013


Yoga.  Brutal walk in the cold and wind chill, probably I should break down and dress for the weather, but, most of my time is indoors and I'd be uncomfortable if I dressed for the weather and then sat at my desk, alas.

Right hip and ham was uncomfortable today, can't say I'm injured, but, I did have some stuff to work out.  I think, as I said earlier, that T-Th are better sessions for me to attend.  Probably for now that is enough Yoga.  If I get the intensity back up to a high level more would be in order but for now that will do.

Too, I'm still enjoying the tire flipping, but, I've got to add some variety so that it stays fresh.  I may focus on barbell work tomorrow and leave the tire alone.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Tire flipping, fun-with-weights.   I've thought about it a bit and realize I owe myself a little bit of detail if for no other reason then to mark progress.

Back rack fugly barbell, 100 yard walk,
tire flipped 55 yards, jogged back to the barbell
on the doubles court lines, 3 squats and 4, 6, 8, 6, 4 lunges between lines
jogged back to the tire and flipped it back 55 yards, jogged back to the barbell, Back rack fugly barbell, 100 yard walk,  jogged back to the tire, and so on, mixed in some overhead squats, and walks, some barbell diagonal raises, finished with farmers walk and 200 yards of back rack walk.  Had to rush back for a phone conference.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Sore and Smiling

This is good sore. A couple of my friends equate being sore with being out of shape. That negative attitude can really squash motivation. Even the most fit people will get sore from a good work out. I'm enjoying the soreness! It means I've been pushing my body and a change will come. I've been doing a lot of pilates videos from These videos are high intensity and quick. I usually do four or five and then run. Mornings I start with yoga. It's a great way to really kick-start muscles. I'm happy being back at school where I have a gym always available and I really want to get into a good routine.


Yoga, and that is more what I'm talking about.  Hips and hams.  This is the yoga I love to hate.  That said I'm looking forward to some tire-flipping fun tomorrow.  I'm thinking I'll do some side press, and some Turkish get ups, just to spice things up.  I might even grab a light vest -- see if I can get the edges of the vision to go fuzzy and grey, gasping for breath.  Ya! Baby!

Monday, January 21, 2013


Yoga. I'm gonna stick with this for awhile, but, I'm already thinking that T-Th yoga is a better fit for me.  Too much of a good thing and all that.  More 3d breathing, happily the mellow mariachi music was back today. 

Thursday, January 17, 2013


Yoga. I didn't understand much today... except the part where I got called a "rebel" cause I kept going right rather than left. All the rest, about 3d breathing and making space around my heart, was, I'm afraid "casting pearls to swine." All that new-age, twinkly, bullshit, fills a need, for somebody, I need to stretch my hip flexors. And I only got a little of that today. Instructors and groups are always about compromise and that is a good practice. If patience is indeed a virtue.

I was a little sore from yesterday bit more tired. Probably that marks progress.

Achievement and discomfort

I think it is timely that Anna writes about discomfort as a motivation.  I just clicked through all the links to delete the broken ones.  Vern Gambetta has a sort essay and a good graphic about this topic, too: Achievement Triangle.  Interestingly he doesn't explore the irony of saying "peak performers are completely comfortable with discomfort."  And "for how long" is the first question that occurs to me?  How long can a person sustain that?  How long before they have to seek some comfort?  How long before one is adapted to that level of discomfort and has to create additional in order to sustain "peak performance"?  Discomfort is one of many motivations and it is a good one, but, what else can we employ to keep us keeping on?  As, I mentioned I liked Chip's New Years meditation I've linked to it in a previous post and it is available in the RSS feed labeled Bodytribe Fitness.  He explores both negative and positive motivations -- I work out so that I don't die, avoiding bad, or I work out so that I may thrive, seeking good.  I think a subtle difference here is whether a person is training for an event, or training for life.  Let us build a foundation of fitness based on training for life, and then, seek out peak performances, occasionally training for an event.

For body image, for being a strong woman, I really like:

The Might Kat


Body image and self image are not separate we know this and we know the power of societies fun-house mirror all we have to do is compare the anorexic and the bodybuilder the two extremes on the same continuum and we see this complex.  Neither is fit for life and both are incredibly intensive and expensive to maintain.  So, we have to invent for ourselves what fitness means and looks like.  Hence my starting point: what is it that I want to do?  Canoe trips, hunting in season, cross country skiing, day hiking, rake the leaves from the yard without being disabled by soreness and needing a trip to the Chiropractor, stack and split wood.... Do, I have any sport specific goals, run an adventure race, or canoe the length of the Northern Forest Canoe trail... actually that is a harder question.  I said in a recent post that just getting back to a regular workout cycle was the short term goal.  I think for now I'll keep the cards close to my shirt.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Uncomfortable is Best...

I live my life by the comfort law. I wear clothing I feel comfortable in -- even when it's not flattering in the least. I've never been into name brands or overspending. My goal in life is to live comfortably, not wanting for more. Perhaps, I should reconsider this philosophy if I hope to make any real changes to my diet and exercise regimen. Comfort in a climbing shoe is not often sought after. Pain is also avoided, but uncomfortable, snug climbing shoes are necessary for properly utilizing you feet as tools to propel yourself up impossible rock faces. Maybe, the discomfort from the shoes motivates a climber to solve a bouldering puzzle so they can get their shoes off. If you're not comfortable where you're at in life, diet, exercise, school, love, whatever... you're more likely to work harder for a change. Discomfort can be a great motivator. I recently received my new Scarpa Force climbing shoes in the mail. I took my time researching this Christmas present. The shoe is made of synthetic material that doesn't stretch in the way leather does, but rather molds to your foot with use and maintains original size. The shoes I ordered were unfortunately borderline painful because the sole extends in a strap around the back of my heels that pushed into my achilles, threatening blisters within minutes of trying them on. I'm thinking a half to a full size bigger would be best, the toe box felt uncomfortable... which is good in the climbing world. Discomfort when working out is also good. I'm not encouraging people to do exercises that leave you muscles hurt or over-used, however discomfort can indicate that you're pushing your body. I have such a hard time with self-motivation at the gym because I shy away from that discomfort. If I could find a gym partner who would push my limits, work through their own, and share the discomfort with me I would be much more successful in the gym. If only I could bring my dad with me to college... Discomfort is also another motivator for eating healthier. At this point in my life, I'm unhappy with my body. I've always had a distorted image of myself, however this is the first time that I feel like I am no longer in control. I need to find a balance between school, exercise and diet. I need to learn how to channel my discomfort with my body into energy for change.


Missed yoga yesterday. The first born stopped by with a sammich for Daddy, so, I ate lunch with my daughter instead.

Today, tire flipping, fugly barbell and field-house for fun, fun, fun. Basically the same drill. A friend who also canoes was walking off a cold. We chatted about how back rack barbell walking was like a canoe portage, which is exactly what I'm simulating. All else was pretty much the same, but, I did experiment with a version of diagonal plate raises... except with a barbell. I like them but it will take a little while to smooth the technique out.

 A whole bunch of friends were in the "yoga room" doing an "Insanity Workout." I interrupted them at both ends by retrieving and returning the fugly barbell --lots of busting on "b." Fun to have that camaraderie back. I'm trying to get the first born to write on some different topics. I think a dialogue approach might liven things up and force both of us to think more precisely about fitness.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Hello Blog World

So, Dad says to post a date when I'm doing a workout... however, this being my first post, I will be breaking the rules. Sorry. F for consistency.
Yesterday (1/14/12) I did one of my only works over Christmas vacation. I had been lying around watching Dr. Who and being exceptionally lazy when my good friend texted me a cry for help, "ANNA, I'M SO BORED" were just about the exact words she used. She offered to drive 20+ miles to pick me up at my house if I thought of something we could do.
During this long, relaxing vacation my more motivated field hockey friends told me they were doing Insanity workouts off Youtube. They weren't the original videos, but rather work out groups filming themselves following the Insanity videos. I decided to check them out, because it was a warm, sunny day outside and lying in my bed just wasn't cutting the mustard. I got about three minutes into the video, mind you I wasn't following along -- I was still curled up in my pj's, wrapped in my heavenly down-comforter. Just watching these people do the short cardio warm-up at the beginning of the 20 minute video was making me winded... nevertheless, I asked my bored friend over to participate.
We made it through the work out video, red faced and exhausted, and decided to cool down with a yoga circuit (improper phrase?) called "Sun Salutations."
This morning I woke up with sore shoulders, aching calves, and a tight core... best feeling all vacation.
Here's the video if you're interested...

Monday, January 14, 2013


Yoga. The introductory class is a nice way to ease back into the week. I was a little... ok, fairly sore, after just 5 days back. Rested over the weekend and a nice stretch today so very good. I really struggle with tension in my hips some of it is a result of an injury, some just being a guy, and some from sitting most of the day. Specifically hip flexors are the worst. I expect that if i can sustain this for 6-8 weeks I will see some good progress.

Sometimes showing off is fun

Friday, January 11, 2013


Fugly barbell and Field-house. Just kept moving for 40 minutes. Focused more today on pressing and pulling movements since my hams and hips are still pretty sore. Did a slow and light version of "fun with weights" and a fair few laps of back rack walk, waiter walk and one arm farmers walk as well. No tire flipping today. Got the heart rate up the respiration up, and all is well. Time for a weekend.

Thursday, January 10, 2013


Yoga. Again. Actually I'm a bit sore so I don't mind the stretch and the recovery. The instructor emphasized hips today and that was very good -- I needed it. She gave us a break from the new age Hindu chanting elevator music instead we got mellow mariachi. That worked a lot better for me. It is good to be moving again but I don't want to jinx myself with a lot of blah, blah, blah. I think I'll just keep the goals near range for the short run.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Went down to the Field House to do some work. On the way I grabbed an old school barbell -- 2, #10 cans cemented to a 5 ft piece of 1 inch pipe. I love them they average about 40lbs, fug-ugly, and who cares if you drop it. Tire flipped about 150 yards, had to avoid the boys with lax sticks and balls ... I've been hit in the face by one of those balls, didn't care for it. Back rack bar bell, walked 200 yards. One handed farmers walk 200 yards, switched sides and again. Overhead press and walk 100 yards, drop the bar and walk 200 yards back to it, press it again and finish the 100 yards, walk 200. Tire flipped for about 100 yards and had to quit and roll it back to the start. Finished with a back rack walk another 200 yards. That serves as a perfectly good bench mark. I can only improve.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


Yoga. Again. Some mild hamstring soreness after yesterday. But really not bad. Weirder was spine or rib adjustments only on one side and only when twisted -- weird because it kept happening. You would figure that once it got straightened out that would be the end. Still vague on what the plan is. My thought for now is to start with, flexibility, balance and so on, and then work on endurance. In the past I've started with strength added endurance and mostly left joint mobility and flexibility out. I'd imagine that different results will occur from different practice. See if I can limit the injuries through this approach.

Monday, January 7, 2013


Just like everybody else, I've got my new year hard-on for self improvement. I did Yoga today for the noon hour. And it was a good thing. This summer we spontaneously decided to climb Mt Katahdin. I had my butt kicked. Was real eye opener as to how badly out of shape I've let myself get. But, oddly not enough motivation in and of itself. I read Chip's new years post over at BodyTribe, I like his insight into goal setting Watcha got in ya this year? Worth a read. I've invited my daughter to join me as an author on this site. Kind of a way to keep ourselves accountable. Last time I tried to pull together a team of writers it didn't work out too well, alas. Maybe she and I can get some magic going. My goals are similar to what they've always been -- I want to be able to do stuff. I'm not into the "sport of fitness" where fitness is the end, fitness is a means to a richer set of experience, for me. In terms of Chips motivations, I'm trying to get to Thriving and Participating as quickly as possible. "Not dying" and "Surviving" just are not enough, oddly.