Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Olympic Lifting

Benefits of Olympic Weightlifting, Never too late to begin, Not just for boys

There are 2 Olympic lifts the Snatch and the Clean and Jerk, both are compound movements and that means they can be broken down into pieces. The pieces can be learned and then added back together to complete the compound movement.

Some coaches argue that the Snatch should be learned first, because, it requires more explosiveness and better technique. Basically, the Snatch consists of 3 parts.

Dead lift
Hang pull
Over head squat, notice the width of the grip.

When added together they look like this: Snatch 1, Snatch 2

Mike Burgener Teaches Pat the Snatch Ia (CFJ Preview)...[wmv][mov]
Mike Burgener Teaches Pat the Snatch Ib (CFJ Preview)...[wmv][mov]
Mike Burgener Teaches Pat the Snatch II (CFJ Preview)...[wmv][mov]

The Clean and Jerk consists of 4 parts – 2 we have already seen. But, I will link to different videos for different perspectives on those elements.

Dead lift
Hang pull
For detail we will break out the Clean Catch, notice the elbows, high and forward, and the width of the grip.
Front Squat
Split Jerk

When added together they look like this: Clean and Jerk 1, Clean and Jerk 2

From what I’ve seen during workouts we need to first work on proper technique: Squat
Dead lift.

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