Friday, February 27, 2009

February 27, 2009

Warm up, Tabata cycle

Pushups/supine rows
dumbbell swings/speedskaters


written as:
bodyweight deadlift, 21,14, 7
jump tucks, 7, 14,21
push press, 21, 14, 7

as done:

deadlift, 1x11/1x10, 2x7, 1x7, 205#
jump tucks, 7, 3x5, 4x5
push press, 3x7, 3x5, 1x4/1x3, 135#

Core, 3 rounds

4 way neck machine, 28x150#
standing cable crunches, 30x150#
cable push pull, 20x80#

"S" joined me for the workout.


Anonymous said...

I just wanted to say hello. You are one dedicated guy! I don't think I'd have the willpower to work out as much as you do. :)

Sisyphus said...

Thanks. Sure some of it has to do with my OCD, or something. But, it really helps to have a circle of friends that workout together. Going to the gym by yourself sucks. Goals help, not that I obsess over them but I do set them mentally. Too some of it is, well, not so much fear of death, but fear of being invalid. That might still happen but it won't be because I didn't fight back.

Anonymous said...

You? Incipient invalidism? I don't think you'll have much of a problem. What's your BMI? 2? Now if you were a computer sitting, donut eating, dungeons and dragons playing, remote control junkie such as myse- no one. No one at all...