Monday, March 9, 2009

March 9, 2009

Work out group had about 10 people show up.

Warm up
Medicine ball warm up. Nice change of pace. Usual kinda partner stuff, chest passes, putts, slams.

General Mobility
Usual stuff lunges, and walking stretches.

Jump circuit

Vertical Jump and stick, step, gather, vertical jump and stick, broad jump to vertical jump, and so on.

Weight Room

4 exercises, and either 6 rounds 10 reps, or 4 rounds 5 reps, obviously the weight is the variable.

Push Press
Bent over Rows
weighted lunges
dips or pull ups

I screwed things up but still worked hard. I went for 135# but forgot to do the dips or pull ups. So I finished early did the bonus 3x10 hanging knee raises. Realized my mistake and did 20 reps of supine rows.


Back at the b-ball court we did medicine ball x-pass drill. 30 seconds of work 30 seconds of rest, 5 rounds.

Stayed with the zone eating plan pretty much through the weekend. Saturday was my cheat day, but my cheat really was only to eat more, but maintained the correct ratios, except for dinner. Sunday was pretty much on. So in the first week I dumped the standard 6-8 pounds of fluid. Now we will see how the weight really comes off. I'm content for a pound a week.

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