Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Jun 10, 2009

Went to Yoga class today as a bus man's holiday.

Interestingly "J" had the same idea. I think there were 7-8 of us. Most of my yoga experience is with DVD's so I can turn the volume up to hear the instructions and in the privacy of my living room I can make fun of the woowoo music and grunt. The instructor had a head set, but, the volume was a tad low for this deaf old guy. Otherwise I behaved myself and it was pretty cool -- no farts sneaking out or anything. I was surprised by my balance when we did the "tree pose" I was able to lock on and hold it, but, my flexibility was limited. My strength was, of course, pretty good, but my flexibility in some of the poses was pathetic -- particularly in the seated poses. Even if the work out didn't drain me, it was relaxing, so that was a cool benefit. I'm not sure if the instructor always says it, but, perhaps it was for "J" and I that she emphasized that yoga isn't competitive. Competitive Yoga, might be like watching snail races or something. I can understand how you can't compete with another person, but, you can challenge yourself at least.

"S" and "M" were down stairs doing an ab circuit. Funnily enough I didn't need to take a shower.

1 comment:

Lee Ann said...

I keep trying to imagine competitive yoga. All I see is some dude who's able to dislocate all of his joints in order to assume some crazy position that no one else is able to.