Thursday, September 3, 2009

September 3, 2009

Acceleration Warm up

8 runs, increasing both distance and speed aiming for 100 yards and 100% on the last one

Dynamic Mobility, standard fare

8 Bars

Dead lift
Bent over Row
High Pull
Front Squat
Push Press

15 minutes, 3 reps of each, so, 3 dead lift, 3 rdl, 3 bent over rows, and so on...
10 minutes, 2 reps of each
5 minutes, 1 rep

I went for 95# and I tried to use the 6 breaths = 30 seconds so that I could manage my rest to work ratio. I had to dump the weight vest on the 2 rep cycle. My lower back, glutes and ham strings are really tight and fatigued. Otherwise I felt pretty good about managing the work out in this way.

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