Tuesday, February 12, 2013



 More interesting is Anna's question about "routine". First, I don't think you've been doing this stuff long enough for it to become routine. Second, if you can still see challenges in what you are doing then I don't think it is routine yet. The fact that different people lead the yoga sessions will add some variety. That you can add mileage will also add variety. Personally I'd like to see you mix in some resistance training, some strength training, but, that should be driven by you goals. Right now your goals seem more about establishing a pattern of exercise, and about stress management. That being the case then you are working towards achieving those goals -- that is what matters.

I think that people who sit on recumbent bike/ergs and read the newspaper and then make the claim that they are exercising regularly are at the bad end of routine. I don't see that in what you are doing.

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