Saturday, February 9, 2013

Running In Mist

Betcha thought this post would be poetry or insightful or something
Mostly it's just going to me saying running in mist is the weirdest experience ever.
It smells so clean and fresh outside, but when you're done running you just smell like poop.
You're getting wet, so when you're done running it feels like you're sweating buckets.
It's so chilly you wish you'd worn gloves, until you're done running and you're so hot you could cook an egg on your skin.
Je ne comprend pas.....
I'm done complaining now. I love my run through the park because I have a 2 mile route that's mostly downhill on the way and a lot of uphills coming back. The uphills are staggered so every 100 feet uphill has a good stretch of flat after it. It's really nice.

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