Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Couldn't find the tires, so I went upstairs to the weight-room. Mikey's morning class used them tucked them away nicely but not where I was looking for them, not a big deal.

Weighted vest.

Kettle-bell swings, 5-6x12

Chatted with the strength coach about her willingness to meet with the ManCub and talk about colleges and careers, she was a go.

Grabbed a loop of chain and did hanging knee raises with the chain looped on my feet. Did 6 doubles, and then 6 on a side, first set, did 3 sets the reps fell off from there.

Ended with Farmers Walk around the room, 75lb dumbbells, 3 circuits. Grip was shot by the last round and I was huffing and puffing. Doing stuff from the old days sets benchmark for the comeback. I'm not ashamed of this work, but I still have a ways to go.

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