Monday, October 14, 2013

Motivation: A truly Sisyphean issue

The Sisyphus entry addressing motivation resonates, with any honest person. And, I think finding motivation requires even the most earnest solo traveler to relate to his fellows. I think about the Sales Administrator in my office who inspires us to work hard on our lunch walk/runs. Then there is my wife's classmate who fought back from removal of a 10 pound cancerous tumor to build her daily walks from 3 steps to 3 miles a day, only to have the cancer return. She is meeting this new challenge with a courage that can only inspire. I am familiar with the motivation issue. I don't have an answer for why we ought to remain committed to a healthy lifestyle and to fitness. But I know the people I love and respect the most in life, somehow remain committed, in the face of worse obstacles than I have ever faced. I don't exactly know why. But I want to take life seriously. I want to be like them.

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