Monday, August 18, 2014


3 mile interval at lunch. 39:40, a couple of minutes off my  best and a comfortable pace. After a 5 mile hike yesterday, the legs are feeling it. If they aren't the first things to go, they are close...

I work out at lunch as many as 4 times a week. The mid-day break is great, but it is a press to fit the workout into a lunch hour and since we don't have convenient showers, it feels awkward sometimes. Today, I finished the run, got a glass of water and sat at my desk to try to stop sweating while eating lunch and catching up  on emails. A woman from the office looked in and commented on how good I looked. I said something like: Huh?. She said, you have a good sweat, your face is pink, you are eating a healthy lunch and your clothes are hanging on the door to your credenza. I'm glad we deal with the basics here, without a lot of pretense. I was glad she feels that way as I went to the men's room, wiped the sweat off with paper towels, got dressed over the lingering moisture, combed my hair with my fingers and went back to work. Glad I finally found a fit in what is likely my last work stop.

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