Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Setting new years goals

So, I've been pretty off and on again with my fitness the last couple of years.  Last year I swam a fair bit.  In part because we were loosely talking about the Peaks to Portland swim.  This year the conversation has turned to the Colby Triathlon a sprint length event.  The distances: swim, 400 meters, bike, 14.3 miles, and 5k run.  We are 32 weeks from the event so it seems completely feasible.  I could with a "gun to my head" do all of the distances right now, it would be a struggle to do them back to back, but from a baseline perspective this seems doable.  A quick "Google" of "training for a sprint triathlon" offers a ton of resources.  Many websites offer 12-13 week pre-race training programs.  So, I think I'll back off from race date 13 weeks, which is mid-June.  So, leading up to that is 19 weeks.  I can break that into two 8 week cycles and still allow myself a couple of weeks off for travel and such.  I think the goal of the first 8 weeks is to simply get a habit of regular exercise.  The second 8 weeks is about a foundation of work capacity.  The last 13 weeks are about the specifics of training for a triathlon.

None of my training to this point has been so aerobically focused.  Where it is sprint distances I'm not particularly fussed by that.  If the distance was half-ironman or longer I would be much more concerned about it.

So there I wrote it down.  It has a date.  So, it is a goal.  Now we will see if I'm there to meet it at the end.

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