Sunday, February 7, 2016

K, so posting got away from me.


AM: 3.5mile walk with the 47.5lb backpack.


AM: 3.5mile walk with the 47.5lb backpack.


9.5 mile run/walk, same strategy, walk uphill, run flats and downhills, 5.5miles of run.  Teh spouse kicked ass.


5 mile walk with the 47.5lb backpack.

So, that gives me 27.5 miles for the week.  And we start again.  I can't say that I dominated this week, but, I finished it and I'm okay with going at it again.  Tuesday's workout was a big bite and I was really sore on Thursday.  Saturday was a lot harder this time then last.  Some of that might have been the icy and snowy conditions.  I think I also didn't manage my calories correctly.

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