Thursday, September 18, 2008

Sport Specific Training #2

Sword and Shield
2 Swords
Great Sword
Pole Arm

Tabata Intervals 20 seconds work, intense 100% effort, emphasize speed sometimes, and power others (only if your target is padded sufficiently) 10 seconds rest, 8 cycles and a round for each weapon form. This will take 16 minutes. Wear helmet, and arm and hand amour, at least, so that your range of motion is realistic. Where this is high intensity limit the frequency – at most twice a week to permit recovery. We are not worried about aerobic or anaerobic fatigue (at least after the first couple of times) but neuromuscular fatigue. The brain’s ability to fire the muscle is impaired by the exhaustion of the necessary chemicals (in over simplistic terms). We are also worried about neuromuscular adaptation – consciously start at different targets and throw different patterns, too, change the duration of the work and rest intervals perhaps even within a round. Do a second round with a whiffle bat(s) and pvc pipe Great/Pole to develop over speed (speed being the point) training.

Train like you play don’t play to train.

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