Thursday, September 18, 2008

Sport Specific Training


Compass Lunges

Left and Right lunge to 12
Left and Right crossover lunge to 10 and 2 (checkout this video and then adapt, left foot to 10, right foot to 2)
Left and right lateral lunge to 9 and 3
Left and right open lunge to 5 and 7, and, (the last two lunges this guy does is what I mean)
Left and right drop lunge to 6

One circuit gives you 10 reps. Try all these permutations, using barbells, dumbbells, medicine balls, weighted vest, sparring gear, (hell if you figure out how to do clubbells at the same time YouTube it for the rest of us) and reach and twist variations – whatever it takes to pound out the reps. Perhaps complicate the routine be doing something explosive in between circuits: Rocket Girls, or Speed Skaters, or Jump Tucks.

Another good protocol for Quads are Vern Gambettta's Spectrum Squats.

Isometric Hold 30 seconds theighs parallel to floor
6 weighted squats, sandbag, dumbbell, I like OHS w/naked O-bar -- 25-30% bodyweight
6 fast air squats
8 jumping squats

And I generally follow that with a set of Glute-Ham Raises. 3-5 rounds should put a pretty solid hurt on.

Crossing over between Shoulders and Obliques, and Quadriceps

Diagonal Plate Raises


Clubbells: mills, swipes, and casts



Bodyweight Hyperextensions, and High pulls (high pulls because they are explosive and yet simple, Hang Cleans, Clean and Jerk, are great but take a while to learn safely) Kipping pullups kinda tricky but well worth the time to learn


Sledgehammer, Cyclone Ball, Sprint Splits with Lateral Tornado Ball Chop, how to make your own cyclone ball


Monkey Climb, Rope waving

The point is to become an adaptable athlete not an adapted one so mix it up. Here I've targeted specific body parts -- but the examples train movements, compound momements, so don't get caught up in the bodyparts but rather how the sport specific training integrates with your fighting.

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