Monday, April 13, 2009

April 13, 2009

Work out group, about a dozen folks showed up.

Warm up

Some newish stuff with backward skipping, which is a weird movement.


Standard fare.

Jump circuit

vertical jump and stick, 30-40 seconds, jog length of tennis court and walk back
step, gather, vertical jump and stick, 6- or 8, jog length of court and walk back
broad jump, vertical jump and stick, 6, jog length of court and walk back
handstand push ups, 6, jog length of court and walk back, 4 rounds


Worm 'n turn, 6-12, sprint to end of court, lunge walk back the length and do 20 v-ups, continuous movement for 10 minutes

Weight room

Thrusters, 135#, 4 reps, 75 seconds of rest, 4 rounds
Dead Lift, 225#, 5 reps, 60 seconds of rest, 5 rounds

1 Tabata cycle of ski squats

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