Friday, April 10, 2009

April 10, 2009

Went down to the gym with all sorts of good intentions.

Warm Up

10 minute on the rowing machine. I got some tips from "K" about how to row more efficiently. Fast hard pull, slow restful return, gives a lot of torque. It is tough to do that for long. But, by doing intervals I was able to pull my 500m average down a bit.

I was really fooled. I grabbed a bar for Hang Squat Cleans, and basically, there wasn't any gas in the tank. I set up a BP for bodyweight work, planned on 10, 8, 6, 4 and just didn't have it.

So, instead I dropped down to 135# and hung the chains on the bar. Did: 15, 12, 9. Then hung the chains on an empty o-bar and did OHS for reps, 15,15,15. Spent a bunch of time chatting with "W" who was doing his CrossFit Total. He had a good day for Dead lift. "S" was dorking around like me, but, he pulled off a new PR on BP.

Call it good and enjoy the weekend.

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