Monday, June 29, 2009

June 29, 2009

Warm Up and Mobility

Standard fare

Work Out Fun with Weights

3 person Teams, we used 135#

Weighted Lunge Walk/Burpee/Rest 15 seconds work,
5 seconds transition covered 70 yards, one team member at each station rotating every 15 seconds.

Dead lift
high pull
hang squat clean to push press

up twenty, back ten (backwards walk), weight over head each team
member went twice, cones were set 10 yards apart

carry bar to next cone
5 dead lifts
5 bent rows
5 Front Squats
5 Push ups on bar
Optional bar ab-roll out

dead lift/suicide

5 dead lift on the cone (ten yards) run to far end and back, carry
weight up to next mark, wash, rinse, repeat

The dead lift suicide is just plan tough. It is physically hard, but, it is mentally tough. I think everybody was gassed after this workout.

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