Monday, December 7, 2009

December 7, 2009

Work out group 8 or so, we put it together ourselves.

S, ran the standard warm up.

Fun with Weights, 50 yard course

floor to overhead anyhow, walk 10 yards, set weight down, lather, rinse, repeat
resting partners does:
push ups, 10
jump tucks, 10

5x5, partners rotate
dead lift
high pulls
front squat
push press
front rack walking lunges

overhead walk forward 2, walk backward 2

50 yard course
5 dead lift
10 yard carry
active rest for partner, at first yard marker do 10 jumping jacks,jog to second yard maker and do, 5 burpees, and so on, 5 v-ups, 5 mountain climbers, 10 speed skaters

K, did some of her miserable ab stuff and we put away our toys.

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