Monday, August 9, 2010

August 9, 2010

8/9/10, kinda cool

10 of us, weighted best, sunny and humid, but not too hot.

Usual warm up and mobility.



3 rounds
running and direction change drill left and right
dumbbell circuit, 3 rounds, 3 squats, 3 high pulls, 3 push press
medi-ball, chest passx5, left side throw and catch with rotation x5, chest pass x5, right side throw and catch with rotations
medi-ball overhead, 20 reverse walking lunges

4 rounds
lateral broad jump 10 yards left 10 yards right,
5-20 pushups
20 squats
5 yards left sumo walk, 5 yards right sumo walk, 10 yards duck walk

everybody holds a plank and each person bear crawls to the 10 and runs back, and so on for both sides

my heart wasn't really into it today, I blamed it on the sun and the vest, but, those are probably just excuses. I scaled most stuff and just kept going.

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