Thursday, May 15, 2014


Yoga today. Continuing on the  path of kink removal, flexibility improvement and better balance. No breakthroughs. What struck  me today is the disparate group that we have that uniformly enjoys the session, both for the Yoga and I think the camaraderie. Beside me, there is a 40ish karate focused engineer, a 50ish field engineer fighting his weight, 3 women in the 40-50 year range, all working on weight and toning, I suppose the classic yoga participants. Everyone has their reason for being there. Everyone has different issues with the routine. But all of us appreciate the benefits and work our varied bodies as best we can to capitalize on our instructor's generosity in holding the sessions on her lunch hour. I started out worrying that I would fart during the session and embarrass myself but I think we have progressed to the point that, as long as I wasn't too crass about it, the group would just laugh and abide by the "what happens in yoga, stays in yoga" agreement we made early on. It's been great.

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