Monday, June 23, 2014


4 rounds

.25 dreadmill jog, 4mph
pushup burpee to a jumping pull up, 6 reps
weighted hanging knee raises, 8 reps

the last two dreadmills I had to walk an eighth and jogged the finish

3 rounds
macebell 10 and 2, 10 reps, so 5 per side, or so
push press, 85lbs, 5 reps

My breathing was great, but, my heart rate got up pretty high, this concerns me only here at the start of coming back, eventually I'll get some work capacity back.  Though, I was reading the chart on the dreadmill and it says 136 bpm is my new 85%, I'm not reconciled to that just like I'm not reconciled to needing reading glasses.  Whatever, I've got a long way to go before that discontent really matters.

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