Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Hey Sugar...

OK, so today a judge overturned the NY mayoral order to limit the size of sugar loaded drinks. Interesting. Seems invasive for the gov't to legislate this stuff. On the other hand, sugar is a definitely health damaging commodity and contributor to obesity when used heavily. The confounding thing to me is that so many people knowingly cultivate unhealthy habits for lifetimes on end. In one way government is treading on my rights by telling me what I can eat or drink. On the other hand, people who abuse their health drive up medical costs,raise my costs for healthcare,threaten the solvency of medicare etc. And I think it is ironic that no politician wants to confront the issue of personal responsibility for healthcare and its costs. I have a doctor acquaintance who says that 80% of her diabetes patients could eliminate their meds if they just ate right and lived an active lifestyle. Maybe the medicare voucher idea isn't so far out there. Somehow, we need to get individuals to take more responsibility for their health habits and the attendant societal costs. Think I'll do some yoga and meditate on it...

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