Friday, January 22, 2016


AM: 3.4 miles, with the backpack.  Felt great

Noon: 2.6 miles, on the dreadmill, blood-sugar way off.  I'm thinking after Wednesday's workout that I have to eat right before I workout.

This gives me 17.5 miles for the weekday workouts.  Friday, 1/22 is a rest day.  If all I get on the weekend is 12.5 I'm OK with it.  Reality has set in and I'm understanding that I'm trying to increase mileage too fast.  Minor reset for next week, try for 18 during the week and 12 on the weekend.  This is all good, I knew I had more in the tank then the starting point of 2-3 miles but, without pushing it I couldn't tell how much more.  So, I'm aiming for 3, 30 mile weeks and then I'll try to move up again after that.  Once I get to the mid-thirties I'll hold for 8 weeks try to build habit, and mental toughness.  The discipline of silencing the inner voices is an equal part of endurance.

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